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Archive for July, 2013

Irish Worker 26 July 1913 from Conor McCabe

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Irish Worker 19 July 1913 from Conor McCabe

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First broadcast, 16 June 2013. Original link here.

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Barry O’Dowd, Vice-President of Emerging Businesses, IDA Ireland, talking to Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) last month.
This was broadcast 16 June 2013. Taken from short piece on Ireland and tax avoidance, original link here.

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I’m giving a talk later today on feminist economics in Seomra Spraoi, off Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1. Below are a couple of texts that I’ll be referring to, as well as slides from a similar talk I gave in Belfast in March.
first of all, chapter one of Marie Mies and Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, The Subsistence Perspective: […]

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Newspaper of the ITGWU, edited by Jim Larkin.
I’m going to try to upload each weekly copy from now until the end of the centenary of the Lockout in January 2014.

Irish Worker 12 July 1913 from Conor McCabe

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Post-Keynesian & Political Economy Workshop - Speakers and Abstracts - July 2013 from Conor McCabe

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Presentation given by Iren Levina, Kingston University, at the Post-Keynesian and Political Economy Workshop, 13 July 2013.
The slides are here, and the audio is below. To download audio, click here and save.

Iren Levina - Three Aspects of Modern Banking - 13 July 2013 from Conor McCabe

icon for podpress  Iren Levina 13 July 2013 [70:03m]: Play Now | Play in Popup

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This is an audio of a lecture given by Professor Stockhammer at the Introduction to Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy workshop at Kingston University, London, 11-13 July 2013. It was organised by the Post Keynesian Study Group and the Political Economy Research Group Kingston University.
I’ve done up a rough powerpoint of some of […]

icon for podpress  Stockhammer Post Keynesian Introduction: Play Now | Play in Popup

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The Economist, 18 June 2005, on the global property bubble that Irish people think was caused by the Famine -

The Economist - housing bubble - June 2005 from Conor McCabe

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