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We are now facing a time of economic crisis, and a crisis has to be the most important time to support independent media. We have been marginalized long enough, and have already lost too many sister organizations. Please join us, not just in keeping the avenues to radical ideas and solutions alive, but in expanding them. Look around you; the time is now.

There are any number of ways you can get involved:

(Photo by Shaun Roberts)

Donate your money...

Donate: We hate to put this first, but there are huge costs involved in getting each and every book out into the world. We are working hard to support the authors, editors and designers, cover shipping costs, and pay our printers on time. We won’t even go into the huge amount of volunteer work poured into this that deserves to be fairly paid. All of this takes cash.

Buy our books...

Become a Friend of PM: By becoming a friend of PM, not only do you treat yourself to the luxury of getting everything we produce delivered to your door, you also ensure a source of income that we can count on every month. Apart from a million dollar check, there is nothing on earth more vital for us to continue.

Choose a PM book for your book club. If you buy from us in bulk we will give you a discount, and honestly, nothing would please us more than to know our books are being read and discussed! Just send us an email at 

Donate your time...

    In 5 minutes you can:

Get us into your library: Libraries buy books, and make them available to everyone for free. What could be better then that? Talk to your local librarian, make a new friend, and get some great literature into the hands of the masses. Email us at to get a catalog.

Share on social media: For better or worse, we're on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Until the tech bubble bursts, use them to let your friends know about PM Press!

    In 10 minutes you can:

Write a review: Word of mouth is what sells books, so post on Amazon, on facebook, on twitter, on goodreads…anywhere you can think of! Just remember, if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all! But we pride ourselves on the quality of what we publish, and so we don’t think finding nice things to say will be difficult.

    In a day (or more) you can:

Volunteer: If you have skills in photography, graphic design, shooting and editing video, editing or publicity we could really use your help! And there’s all that logistical stuff at events. And there’s the need for good conversation and someone to cover the tables at book fairs while we take a bathroom break. In fact, there’s a load of things that have to get done, and as we’re all volunteers here, we know the value of your time. So if you’re interested, get in touch at!

Sell our stuff: We take pride in the number of events, conventions, concerts, and book fairs we table at. After all, we’re not just in this to sell books, but to distribute knowledge and ideas as widely as possible. We have folks in the Bay Area, DC, and LA…and wherever we sometimes travel in between! But that leaves a lot of space on the map to be covered! So get in touch for more details at

Hold an event: Books become alive when they are read, enjoyed and discussed. Our authors are happy to talk about their ideas. And we’re happy to talk to you about setting up a house party, bookstore reading, author panel…just get in touch at

Anything we’ve forgotten? This is a pretty exhaustive list, but I’m sure there’s more. Email us with ideas at!

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