Browsing: The Insider

Sparkke-ing Real Change in the Australian Pub Scene


The Sparkke Change Beverage Company* (Sparkke) is about to transform one small corner in the City of Churches.


A Queen Break At Broken Heel Will Be Anything But A Drag


If you search the phrase ‘Broken Heel’ in Google, it turns out that people also ask, “How long does it take for a broken heel to heal?” Plus “How do you fix a broken heel?”

Someone over at Google needs to update their search terms, because far from being something that needs ‘fixing’ or ‘healing’ Broken Heel needs embracing.


Freedom Flotilla Update: Sicilian Mayor Famous For Taking Down Mafia Renames Port In Honour Of Yasser Arafat


The Mayor of Palermo, a town in Southern Italy, has this week renamed a section of the sea front in honour of famed Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to mark the arrival of the Freedom Flotilla in Sicily, a global movement aimed at breaking Israel’s decade long naval blockade of the Palestinian sea port of Gaza.

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition – which includes New Matilda editor Chris Graham, on board as a journalist covering the mission – arrived in Palermo on Monday July 16, to prepare for the final leg of a two month voyage across Europe, to Gaza.

Mayor Leoluca Orlando – famous for taking on the Sicilian mafia, and winning – made the announcement this week at a function at the Biblioteca comunale di Palermo, in the presence of Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Italy and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr Mai Alkaila.

Mayor Orlando said the international community’s silence on the oppression of Palestinians was a “time of terrible shame”.

“I’ve decided to dedicate the sea front of Palermo… to Yasser Arafat,” he said.

More than three-dozen Palestinian supporters from countries all over the world – including New Zealand, Malaysia, Canada, America, France, Germany, Italy Denmark and Sweden – will leave over the weekend to make the final voyage from Palermo to Gaza.

The journey is expected to take up to 10 days.

There are four boats participating – Al Awda, Freedom To Gaza, Falestine and Mairead. Three of them will attempt to break the naval blockade of Gaza in the next week, amid renewed violence in the region.

In eight years from 2008 through 2016, international activists have sailed 31 boats to challenge the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza.

Mayor Orlando formally invited the Freedom Flotilla Coalition to base itself in Palermo in future years to prepare for the final leg of the sail to Gaza.

Got A Pulse, A Conscience And A Funny Bone? Then You Need To See Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette


If you have Netflix, and a beating heart, then set aside an hour and watch Australian comedian Hannah Gadsby’s new special, ‘Nanette’.

We’re not going to review it for you. We’re not going to spoil any of the punch lines. We’re just going to tell you… Nanette is some of the best, most powerful comedy ever produced. It’s also probably the bravest comedy ever made, and will make you laugh and cry at the same time – a craugh.

It will also likely inspire the absolute shit out of you, which helps explain why the performance has received five star reviews across the globe, and has won Best Show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe. Gadsby herself also won Best Comedy Performer at the Helpmann Awards.

You can find out more details by clicking here.

And here’s the official trailer.

EXCLUSIVE: Prince Louis’ 400 Godparents Announced By Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge


EXCLUSIVE: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have chosen close family friends including Wally Boop and Nicholas ‘Rip’ van Winkle as godparents for their third sprog, Prince Louie The Fly (known colloquially in Australia as ‘Kevin’).

Overnight, Kensington Palace announced 200 godfathers and 200 godmothers for the baby prince, to pay tribute to the number of countries Britain has invaded and ruined over the course of human history.

The lucky godparents include Barry Biggun, The Lady Laura Lingers, Mrs. Robert Carter – nee Hannah Montana – and Lucy Middlefinger.

Mrs Carter is a schoolfriend of the Duchess. They used to smoke crack together in the main quadrangle. Miss Middleton, a grapefruit, is her cousin. Lady Laura Lingers is married to Prince William’s paintball buddy James, who is Princess Charlotte’s right big toe.

Nicholas ‘Rip’ Van Winkle is an old family friend whose daughter Hooah was a bridesmaid at the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, while Wally Boop is a near-sighted World of Warcraft expert and reformed paedophile who went to Ludgrove School and Eton with the young Prince William… like all the privileged f*cks they hang out with.

The stunning news has taken the global media by storm. In other less interesting news, a lot of people died in Japan in a terrible flood, Donald Trump is thinking of starting a nuclear war, Aboriginal child removal rates are now exponentially higher than they ever were, and Australia still jails men, women and children in torture camps on faraway islands.

A spokesperson for Australia remarked, “Who gives a f*ck. The Royals had a baby. The media remains in touch with the things that matter to average Australians.”

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