
What You Should About Car rental Mississauga?

Written on May 15, 2018   By   in Car Rental Transportation

If you are planning on renting a car Downtown this summer or just considering renting, you need to take a look at the report that states what you should do before you rent a car.  Take a look at the few warnings that you need to take care of and the things that you need to consider when you plan on car rental Mississauga.

Warning: Be Careful of Premium Station Fees

At present, taking up a rental car at the major train station or airport can inflate the total cost. Usually, premium station fees amount to almost 15 to 20 percent of the rental bill in many places. You will be able to avoid these rental fees if you pick up car rental Mississauga from the office and return it at the airport without an extra charge.  You need to keep in mind that downtown offices are generally closed on rental mississauga

Recommendations: Cross the Border

Rental rates are usually lower in Germany than in any Western European Country.  This can be great if you are taking a tour of Germany.  However, if you plan most of the driving in France, Switzerland, Benelux, renting close to the German border can cut down on the cost to a great extent.  Moreover, the rental rates are pretty low in France than in places of Switzerland that it is better to rent on the French side of Basel-Mulhouse or Geneva Airports. When you go to northern Italy, you need to consider a French car rental Mississauga at Geneva.

In case you are planning on driving in Switzerland, you need to make sure that you have Swiss Autobahn Tax Sticker with you.

Recommendation: Use Plastic Protection

It is better to shun the very expensive collision insurance of the rental company and use the insurance that is provided by your credit card. However, for this you need to verify if the credit card you have provides these insurance since a majority of the premium cards do. Thus, you need to ensure that you do not accidentally accept the insurance of the rental company.

Recommendations: Be Shiftless

Unless you are mechanically challenged, you should opt for a manual-shift vehicle from the car rental Mississauga.  This is going to cut your rental cost and will also fuel the cost. The only place that you will ever want to have an automatic car is Britain, where driving on the wrong side of the road and controls on the opposite side will demand your attention.


Recommendation: Opt for Diesel

Diesel offer better mileage and fuel might cost less than gasoline. Hence, diesel is simply the best choice. Quite unfortunately, these days a majority of the rental companies will not guarantee diesel but you can simply rental mississauga

Warning: Full Isn’t Right

Usually, European rental companies advertise that full cars might be more upscale but they are not bigger than the midsize model.  In case you need more room than the mid-size car offers then you should opt for a van or a station wagon.


Warning: Watch Where You Go

Western European car rental Mississauga often includes prohibition against driving in some of the Eastern Countries.  You should let your rental agency know in advance where you are planning on going and you need to make sure that these areas are okay. Read more insights and stories on Car rental here!

Airport Limo Taxi to Pearson Airport is a Better Choice than TTC and Uber

Written on December 20, 2016   By   in Limousine & Bus Tour Service

All kinds of transportation are available to the travelers from the Pearson airport. However, most of the times, it boils down to the common airport transport, the limousine, the TTC, and Uber. In the past, the preferred means of transportation was to call a taxi. Many people still believe that it is cheaper to avail Uber or taxi to Pearson airport. These might be good for shorter distances but if you have to travel long distances then it is better to hire an airport limousine. Take a look at some of the benefits that airport limousine has to offer in comparison to Uber or TTC.

You will Not Miss Your Flight

If you wait for your Uber or TTC then chances are you will miss your flight. The simple reason is that if you book an Uber, you will have to wait for till it arrives. Taking a cab does not guarantee that you will be able to make it to the airport on time. It might be difficult to find a cab. This is not the case with limousine service. You can schedule the pickup according to the time of the flight. A professional and reputable limousine will always have a limousine ready for you in case something happens to the hired limousine on the way to pick you up.

You will be More Comfortable

If you have to look for a cab or an Uber to reach the airport or after the plane lands then it can be pretty stressful. This is because you will have a lot of baggage. Instead of taking this pain, you can simply choose from the different limousines that are available. This will enable you to have a comfortable ride after a long flight.airport taxi toronto

It is Cost-Effective

Hiring a limousine might not cost much. If you take an Uber at the peak hours, it might cause you to pay a good deal of money. In fact, you can share the limousine with other people to share the cost. Thus, you will not have to spend much money.

You Can Make an Impression

If you are going to the airport to receive some of your family member, business partner, or client, will help you to make a better impression. It will make them feel that you value them and have made an effort to make them comfortable. By hiring an airport limousine, you will be able to help them have a comfortable ride which might not have been possible with TTC.

It is Safe

When you travel in an airport limousine, you can be sure that the driver that has come to pick you up is enough skilled and experienced. He/she will aware of the shortcuts and will help you reach the airport safely.

There are plenty of reasons to hire an airport limousine. However, you need to make sure that limousine service that you have chosen is enough experienced. Compare the prices of at least three limousine services before you hire one.

Why every celebrity and VIP requires bulletproof vehicle protection

Written on November 24, 2016   By   in Bulletproof Vehicle Transportation

Technology has helped with advancement and innovation in every sphere of life. Cars are a fascinating wonders and one of the best example of the modern technology. In the 17th century and 18th century, when motors and engines were not invented, people used to travel in animal pulled carriages. The rise in technology has helped these cars run with automated engines with high speeds and horsepower. Another of the great modern invention for automobiles is bulletproof vehicles.

The rise in technology has also increased the rise in threats to life. With many people getting easy access to weapons and guns, protecting your own life becomes the number one priority. Especially when you are a top level corporate or a celebrity, the threat increases by the number of people. There are more targets behind you back that may not be happy with your success and therefore you need optimal ground protection. Bulletproof vehicles are the best option for every person with these kinds of threats. There are many reasons why celebrities should travel in a bullet proof car:

  • Protection from assaults

One of the major reasons why many celebrities choose to ride in a bullet proof armored car is because it can protect you from assaults and gun attacks. A normal car’s frame may not be able to withstand the incoming bullets. There is a very high chance that the bullets will pierce through the body. The glass is also normal and can be easily breakable. Bullet proof cars are armored with heavier frames and the glass is replaced with a bullet proof glass for visible protection from the attacks.

  • Discreet Look

Bullet Proof cars look exactly like normal cars even when they are armored. The modification is mostly done in the internal section for the max protection. The exterior of the car is kept intact to not give away that a car is armored. You can easily take your car and travel around with out anyone noticing any modification. Many of the high end car brands such as Mercedes are customized by many companies keeping their original look intact.Armor car

  • Less threat, better chance of escaping

Bullet Proof can help you escape volatile areas and tricky situations. With an armored protection, you can easily escape the location safe and sound. Tires are usually the first target for any car. By having your car armored with run flats, your car can travel a distance of up to 80 miles even with all 4 flat tires at a speed range of 60 miles. Saving your life is the utmost priority. A normal car may not be able to handle the assault therefore you need bullet proof protection.

You can call any of the established armored car companies and inquire about the vast fleets and custom armoring they do for personal cars. Get yourself the armored protection and travel safely!