Daniel Green


WestwayVR Developer Virtual Reality for Vehicle Retail /, NYC Community Leader, Partner, Alum

New York, NY
Beigetreten Februar 2009


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    17. Dez. 2018

    & save car shoppers time with Interactive Interior views that make it easier to shop.

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  2. hat retweetet
    15. Mai

    It’s no secret that people come to to shop. And now, our new tools make it easier than ever to get your brand noticed. Read the rest from here →

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  3. hat retweetet
    15. Mai

    Google My Business Insights does NOT include data from voice searches. You learn something new every day. Just updated my article on GMB Insights:

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  4. 15. Mai

    A little bit disappointed in presentation takeaways felt dated. Change is here, marketers have Always driven influence, digital skills have been critical for 5+ years

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  5. 15. Mai
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  6. hat retweetet
    14. Mai

    If your creative sucks no amount of strategy works!

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  7. hat retweetet
    13. Mai

    Facebook launches new playbook, e-learning courses for dealers

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  8. 8. Mai

    are there any plans to update training and ad more advanced levels to the Ads Academy LMS?

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  9. 1. Apr.
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  10. hat retweetet
    11. Feb.

    “Empower your front-line salespeople, provide them with all the data and allow them to do more (face-to-face) with the customer,” - Roadster CEO Andy Moss () says in on our recent Time Study.

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  11. 12. Feb.

    Has it really been a decade? – bei Twitter

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  12. 15. Jan.

    Hackathon Presentation - Sumerian Story Studio: Goodnight Moon by Daniel Green ()

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  13. 14. Jan.

    Sumerian Story Studio: Goodnight Moon Hackathon Submission by Daniel Green ()

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  14. 4. Jan.
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  15. hat retweetet
    30. Dez. 2018

    Car buy­ers look­ing to skip the deal­er­ship and buy a set of wheels on­line are start­ing to find more op­tions.

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  16. hat retweetet
    17. Dez. 2018

    This is SO needed! Fantastic use case of using to improve the online car shopping experience. Great work !

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  17. 9. Dez. 2018

    Audi Has Deployed 1,000 Virtual Reality Showrooms in Dealerships Worldwide

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  18. 5. Dez. 2018
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  19. 4. Dez. 2018

    This Holiday get your next car from for free. Win a 2019 details here:

    , , und 3 weitere
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  20. 16. Nov. 2018
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