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  1. Закрепленный твит
    23 июн.

    ❤Competition Time❤ Who is doing something positive for your community? We are looking for 3 people / support groups who we can help Simply nominate someone by tagging them 👇 and the winner will receive a new website to help them do good in the community Pay it forward x

    Показать эту ветку
  2. 11 нояб.

    Tonight in Sheffield for those interested in celebrating recovery

  3. ретвитнул(а)
    21 авг.

    Can you lend us a hand? We're working on a new project bringing mental health friendly courses together in 1 website & need people who've experienced mental health issues to help test how we organise the site. If you have 10 mins we'd love your thoughts

    , , и еще 7
  4. 22 авг.

    We are looking for people who used to be homeless to get in touch please We are working on a program to help people earn an income by sharing their knowledge and experiences to others appreciated

  5. 22 авг.

    Hi , Could you send us your email address please. We would like to discuss a few things with you. Best, Web Of Clouds

  6. 15 авг.

    Anyone know how much printing costs are in for the following: A1 poster, single side Printing a few words of text and a logo only Optional quote of laminated also Any ideas?

  7. ретвитнул(а)
    15 авг.

    In the last 24hrs we’ve had a few mums contact us over their sons going down the wrong path in life so I’ve suggested they contact what has people from the street who have turned their lives around and now trying to help others do the same

  8. 8 авг.

    What an absolute warrior Huge respect to you and your family, Micky. Keep leading the way x

  9. ретвитнул(а)
    27 июн.

    Walked past a rough sleeper in obvious distress on Ecclesall Road today. Heartening to see police officer sat down on the floor with him, consoling him and trying to offer support.

  10. 23 июн.
    Показать эту ветку
  11. 23 июн.
  12. 22 июн.
  13. ретвитнул(а)
    22 июн.

    Try as you may, you can't break someone who refuses to be broken!

  14. 10 мая
  15. 27 апр.

    Get your website up and running from as little as £4.99pm and help us feed and house the homeless of the UK

  16. 20 апр.
  17. 19 апр.
  18. 14 апр.

    We are halfway through the month, which means time is running out! People of , host your website with us and get the first 12 months free This month only!

  19. 7 апр.
  20. 7 апр.
    Этот твит недоступен.

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