Hasil pencarian
  1. 5 Sep


  2. 26 Agt

    "...walau kau terus saja coba membungkamnya, namun suaraku takkan bisa kau redam..." Wiji Thukul - Kebenaran Akan Terus Hidup

  3. 33 menit yang lalu

    We have had the people's vote, respect democracy

  4. 5 jam yang lalu
  5. 7 jam yang lalu

    rising, burning with hate & fear. This is Draconian Law not Constitutional, little kids watching from behind bars. They mean not only to silence but all Americans, targeting the First Amendment while crying censorship.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  6. 9 jam yang lalu

    One is a mob (Hint, they are Nazis). The other is a group of peaceful protestors, neither extreme or dangerous.

  7. 21 jam yang lalu

    Hard to beat getting your nationality questioned because you refuse to buy into the McGregor circus,Does that mean I just should espouse the policies of Gen Eoin O'Duffy too,after all he was Irish too,I don't expect too many will get that reference

  8. 7 Okt

    Molly Scott Cato, second referendum rally, 6 October 2018 Must watch. Must RT. Great oration exposing agenda of how we appreciate support and seeing of the danger, why this is a project. we will win.

  9. Israeli sniper Murdered a 12 year old boy! , this is only okay because he's brown. If he was white and English and killed by a Brown Muslim sniper blood would flow in the streets. Retweet this crime, wake people up!

  10. 7 Okt

    So you can throw them in cages if they're the wrong color? You disgust me.

  11. 7 Okt

    's become worse than the during the or the . Let's start a "Go Fund Me" page for this poor guy....unless the hat wasn't really HIS.

  12. 6 Okt
  13. 6 Okt
  14. 6 Okt

    Typical response. (they don't understand the LEFT is behaving facist).

  15. 6 Okt

    Hail to the even though he still has no clothes, no soul. Instead he's willingness to pillage, rob, lie and steal makes #45 the perfect ringmaster for this regime. It's beginning to look like circa 1933 in 2018 .

  16. 6 Okt

    Kavanaugh has a distinct honor: He will be the first justice nominated by someone who lost the popular vote to earn his seat on the bench w/ support from senators representing less than half of the country, while having his nomination opposed by a majority of the country.

  17. 6 Okt

    For exercising their First Amendment right?

  18. 6 Okt

    Down with say no to have resorted to the same tactic enflected on they are evil people that must be stopped at all cost.

  19. 4 Okt

    Isn't the Senate Building a public building? Are people's free speech being denied? What kind of nonsense is this ?

  20. 4 Okt

    Isn't it Sad The Will Call You a While Trying to Take away Our Freedom of Speech & Guns just like Facists/Nazis did? Let's End Their Hypocrisy

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