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Ian Saludares 21m
End of year report with my amazing executive board We have accomplished so much this year.
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✖️ Nov 29
sometimes i teach my kids things and sometimes i let them do stupid shit like make a hat for this dinosaur
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Jenessa Rivas 5h
Nothing like a 7.0 earthquake to start your SCHOOL day. All ,6,7 & 8 year olds acted smartly and are safe!
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Rohin Bhatt Nov 28
"In so many ways, segregation shaped me, and education liberated me." ~ Maya Angelou
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UNICEF Education 8h
is what gives children & young people the skills necessary to build a better future for themselves, their communities & the world. Education, a transformative force !
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World Economic Forum Nov 29
4 ways children say their well-being can be improved
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Liam Carey 10h
How is system broken? Exploring many barriers to inclusive access for Ss including physical disabilities, poverty, lack of black male educators, lack of geographical access... How can we improve this system for all especially those who need it most?
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i3academy 3h
Did you know that I3 stands for imagine, investigate and innovate? These represent the stimulation of intellectual curiosity that is essential to our mission, vision and goals as a K-5 charter school. .
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Sean DuBé 22h
"For young people to develop and learn empathy, they must experience someone empathizing with them."
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LeadingWithPassion™ 30s
"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn".
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AroundOnlineMedia180 1m
"We often add to our pain and suffering by taking things too personally". -Dalai Lama XIV
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Anika is Trash Nov 29
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ISCHOOL step into the future of education
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WS/FCS HR Nov 28
New Job! Clerical: Admin Assistant 5
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Anne-Maria Yritys 16m
"Life is like a novel; filled with suspense". ~Sidney Sheldon
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Scott Renaud Nov 29
Every morning I great all of our students coming off the bus with a Good Morning. This morning those students who returned the greeting received this piece of paper
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Dr. Michael Maxwell 10h
Excellent meeting last night w/ Councilman Creer, YDSI & Ward 5 Principals. We discussed challenges, then shared innovations & resources. Sustained collaboration will give our students improved learning opportunities.
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ACEs UK Nov 29
I'm looking for in priamary to take part in a pilot survey on as well as TAs and . Really interesting results in so far, but need more 100 anonymous tps://
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тσм ℓσυ∂ 20h
You can't choose a "Leader" in a school . Whoever is Positive and Making a Difference is the Leader!
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