USA | Breaking News & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


North America

Prosecutors seek death penalty for US Border Patrol agent who killed four sex workers

Prosecutors seek death penalty for US Border Patrol agent who killed four sex workers

The border agent who confessed to killing the four women told investigators he wanted to "clean up the streets" of his Texas hometown.


Trump on the fringes of presidents' group at George H.W. Bush's funeral
World Politics

Trump on the fringes of presidents' group at George H.W. Bush's funeral

Former presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter and their spouses chatted easily among themselves ahead of George H.W. Bush's funeral. Then the Trumps arrived.

A toddler needs extremely rare blood to beat cancer. The world is helping her find it

A toddler needs extremely rare blood to beat cancer. The world is helping her find it

Toddler Zainab needs blood transfusions as chemotherapy shrinks her tumour. The only problem is her extremely rare blood.

  • by Cleve R. Wootson Jr
Russia is trying to undermine confidence in US justice system: experts
Influence campaigns

Russia is trying to undermine confidence in US justice system: experts

Russia's efforts to weaken America's democratic institutions aren't limited to elections - but also extend to the US justice system.

  • by Bastien Inzaurralde
Christmas turkey, fruitcake rocketing toward space station

Christmas turkey, fruitcake rocketing toward space station

Christmas turkey is rocketing toward the International Space Station, along with cranberry sauce, candied yams and the obligatory fruitcake.

George W. Bush chokes back tears eulogising father at state funeral
George W Bush

George W. Bush chokes back tears eulogising father at state funeral

Former president George W. Bush choked back tears eulogising "the best father a son or daughter could ever have" at the state funeral for his father.

  • by Matthew Knott
EU seeks regular updates from Facebook, Twitter on Russian disinformation
Influence campaigns

EU seeks regular updates from Facebook, Twitter on Russian disinformation

EU authorities want internet companies including Google, Facebook and Twitter to file monthly reports on their progress eradicating "fake news" campaigns.

Rudy Giuliani's typo became an anti-Trump message thanks to this prankster
Social media

Rudy Giuliani's typo became an anti-Trump message thanks to this prankster

The President's lawyer and cybersecurity adviser had some trouble understanding the workings of Twitter.

  • by Allyson Chiu
After CIA briefing, senators accuse Saudi prince of complicity in Khashoggi murder
Khashoggi case

After CIA briefing, senators accuse Saudi prince of complicity in Khashoggi murder

Breaking with Donald Trump, senators leaving a briefing with CIA Director said they are even more convinced that Mohammed bin Salman was involved in the Saudi journalist's death.

Robert Mueller urges no jail for Michael Flynn
Russia probe

Robert Mueller urges no jail for Michael Flynn

Mueller's office has said Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn cooperated with its probe into possible collusion between Trump and Russia.

  • by Sarah N Lynch
US-Australia 'as rock solid as ever' says incoming US ambassador
Trump diplomacy

US-Australia 'as rock solid as ever' says incoming US ambassador

The position of US ambassador to Australia has been vacant since September 2016, making Australia one of the last close US allies to receive a permanent ambassador since Donald Trump took office.

  • by Matthew Knott