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Today's cartoons: The illustrated news

Today's cartoons: The illustrated news

The news of the day as interpreted in the work of our award-winning cartoonists.


Home Affairs budget slashed to avoid $300 million overspend
Public service

Home Affairs budget slashed to avoid $300 million overspend

Staff slashed by two-thirds at airports, patrol boat fleet suspended, recruitment freezes - the list of Home Affairs cuts is long.

  • by Sally Whyte & Nicole Hasham
Leaks show Border Force slashing airport staff at Christmas as budget cuts bite

Leaks show Border Force slashing airport staff at Christmas as budget cuts bite

Border Force has also reportedly suspended a fleet of boats supposed to protect the nation's northern waters as the organisation scrambles to absorb severe budget cuts,

  • by Nicole Hasham
In the land of locum PMs, be careful how you fortify them

In the land of locum PMs, be careful how you fortify them

The Liberal Party is reaffirming its faith in the capacities of the people it chooses to lead it, but that may have its own risks.

  • by Patrick Mullins
Immigration Department risked own reputation by outing Banerji: lawyers
Public service

Immigration Department risked own reputation by outing Banerji: lawyers

Is the public service big and ugly enough to cop anonymous criticism? The High Court will decide.

  • by Doug Dingwall
CBD Melbourne

CBD Melbourne

So we all know Victorian Premier Daniel - sorry, Dan - Andrews is practically Richard Pankhurst next to the Liberals, but his equality battles aren’t over yet.

  • by Samantha Hutchinson & Kylar Loussikian
Breakdown on national security a damning indictment of both sides
National security

Breakdown on national security a damning indictment of both sides

The Morrison government has politicised encryption, all but daring Labor to look weak on national security. Labor has wriggled and tacked so many times it has been hard to keep track of where they stand.

  • by David Wroe
Best of Fairfax cartoons December 7, 2018
10 images

Best of Fairfax cartoons December 7, 2018

Fairfax Media's talented team of artists, illustrators and cartoonists give us their humorous version of the news of the day.

Encryption powers need much scrutiny

Encryption powers need much scrutiny

The Coalition’s demand to pass its encryption bill before Christmas risked looking like a political stunt.

PM escapes threat to his control of Parliament as Labor backs down on encryption
National security

PM escapes threat to his control of Parliament as Labor backs down on encryption

A dire threat to Scott Morrison's control of Parliament sparked a blame game that forced Labor to back down on national security laws.

  • by David Crowe
Best of Fairfax cartoons December 6, 2018
11 images

Best of Fairfax cartoons December 6, 2018

Fairfax Media's talented team of artists, illustrators and cartoonists give us their humorous version of the news of the day.