
Moving your products to move your business forward.
Driving change and delivering creative, innovative solutions.

Welcome to TNG’s CleanPay Initiative

At TNG, we are committed to streamlining payment solutions that allow us to offer quicker payment turnaround on invoices, protect our suppliers from fraud and support our organizations commitment to environmental sustainability.  We are pleased to announce CleanPay, our new initiative to send electronic payments to our valued suppliers and business partners.

CleanPay offers fast electronic payment of approved invoices.  TNG’s CleanPay is designed with you in mind and provides numerous benefits not previously available.

  • More efficient payment process with the ability to get the payment to you faster
  • More secure payment with lower fraud risk – no storage of bank details
  • Email based communication and payment information
  • No more mailing delays and lost checks
  • Simple enrollment process

If you have more questions, please contact Vendorin at (888) 618-2550 or via email at

Product Vendors

Tell us where your products are headed. It’s likely that we are already going there. Not only can we get your product to where it needs to go, in most cases, we can get it onto that retail floor where it will sell. We don’t want it to collect dust in a warehouse or a backroom somewhere either, we want it generating revenue for you. Luckily, there is a convenient solution to this problem.

US Magazine Vendors

Are you a publisher interested in having your title(s) considered for purchase and distribution by TNG? Please review the requirements in the documents below:

Magazine Vendor Protocol

UPC Guidelines

TNG Receiving Requirements

After reviewing, please complete the following forms in their entirety:

Magazine Vendor Purchasing Agreement

Magazine Vendor Application

New Title Information

If seeking distribution only into our Military accounts, please email: or call: 1-210-662-3315.


US Book Vendors

Are you a publisher interested in having your title(s) considered for purchase and distribution by TNG? Publishers marketing to Grocery, Airport and Military accounts, please click here to go to the Readerlink website, or contact:

If you are a publisher with more than 5 titles in print and are interested in having your titles considered for purchase and distribution into Specialty Retailers, please review our requirements below:

Specialty Vendor Agreement Form

TNG Receiving Requirements


Canadian Magazine Vendors

Are you interested in having access to Canadian retailers for your magazines? Please coordinate through a National Distributor.

Two options that can take care of your needs are:

Coast To Coast – Click here to access their website

Disticor – Click here to access their website

These National Distributors, along with TNG, will work together to bring your title to market and optimize your sales

Canadian Book Vendors

Are you a publisher with more than 5 titles in print looking to have TNG purchase and distribute into Retailers in Canada? Please review our requirements here:

Publisher Reference Letter

Then complete the following form in its entirety:

TNG Publisher Information Form

Along with the form, please send us the following:

  • Current catalog or sell-sheet
  • Your co-op or marketing allowance policy. If you do not have a co-op or marketing allowance policy, please be sure to advise us in your covering email
  • Current terms and conditions for the wholesale market

Send all of these to

Our book department will respond via email on whether your terms and conditions are approved.

Have less than 5 titles? Please go choose a company from one of the options on the National Book Network site.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are National Distributors?

National Distributors are companies that serve as billing agents, circulation consultants and communication conduits to wholesalers for their publisher clients. They may also offer marketing services. Most of the larger National Distributors handle hundreds of publisher clients and have offices in most of our larger locations. The major National Distributors include CMG, Curtis Circulation, Kable News and Time Warner Retail. (In Canada, Coast-To-Coast Newsstand Services and Disticor) The financial relationship with the wholesaler (TNG) would reside with the national distributor and not the publisher.

What outlets does TNG service and can I expect my publication to be in those stores?

TNG supplies the majority of grocery store and drug store chains as well as major chain bookstores and specialty accounts. Different market areas have different customer mixes. However, the majority of our customers maintain an authorized list. In order for us to deliver a title to stores that have such lists, the title must be authorized in order for it to scan at the register. So a new publication will not experience broad immediate exposure. Typically, agencies that agree to test a new vendor’s publication will do so with a small initial copy commitment and if sales respond well, will then seek to gain approvals in more retail chains.

Do I need to meet the minimum requirements outlined in the purchasing agreement forms?


If I meet all the minimum requirements, will my publication be approved for regional buyer review?

No, not automatically, our decision is not based solely on terms, we review the sales potential as well.

How long does the set-up process take?

Normally between 4 to 8 weeks. New vendor submissions are reviewed by the national office at least once per month and sometimes twice, depending on the volume. After a publication is accepted for regional review, the publisher then solicits the regions that they have an interest in. Each region is unique and the timing may vary at this level.

If I don’t have a upc bar code on my publication yet, can I still submit it for review?

No, we require that a scannable bar code be already on the publication in order for us to review the title.

If I begin as a direct vendor and then opt to utilize a national distributor, what occurs?

More than likely, your upc code will change to meet the specifications of the National Distributor. However, your discounting will remain the same since our form clearly stipulates that the discounts offered are for the life of the title.

What is the service fee and where does it apply?

The service fee of 45¢ per pound is applied for those accounts where we utilize a third party freight company (like UPS) to deliver our product to the stores. This applies mainly to chain bookstores, dollar stores, home improvement stores, sporting goods outlets and craft stores. We classify these accounts as “Specialty”. TNG truck delivers to grocery, mass and drug accounts where this fee will not apply. Those accounts are labeled as “Traditional”.

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