KRip Hop

POOR's Mission

POOR Magazine is a poor people led/indigenous people led, grassroots non-profit,arts organization dedicated to providing revolutionary media access, art, education and advocacy to silenced youth, adults and elders in poverty across the globe.

All of POOR's programs are focused on providing non-colonizing, community-based and community-led media, art and education with the goals of creating access for silenced voices, preserving and degentrifying rooted communities of color and re-framing the debate on poverty, landlessness, indigenous resistance, disability and race locally and globally.

POOR Magazine

POOR Magazine Revolutionary Journalism, poetry, & prose on issues of poverty, racism, disability, in/migration, border fascism, incarceration, welfare (de)form, profiling, indigenous resistance, art, media, and more by the folks who experience these struggles first-hand.

(POOR Magazine -The print edition- Is currently out of print due to lack of funding. Some copies of Volume #4: MOTHERS still available by mail order. Contact

Blogs and Journalizm by Poverty Skolaz locally and globally linked below:

Rebuilding the House: Shawna Hawk, Media Island, and an Opportunity for Redistribution of Hoarded Wealth, Power, and Resources

Shawna Hawk is a Black Power movement builder, a Mother, a Healer and a catalyst for social change.

Vehicularily Housed Residents towed, Harassed, Criminalized, Evicted and Resisting from Berkeley to Oakland...

Below are the "I" stories created by Unhoused residents of Berkeley who live in RV's and Vans on the occupied streets of Berkeley ( aka Huchuin Lisjan/Ohlone Land) in POOR Magazine's Street-Writing Workshop held weekly on the corners of 8th & Harrison streets.

Welcome Home Mike Africa!

On October 23, 2018, MOVE 9 member Mike Africa was released from prison after 40 years of incarceration. Mike was released on parole from SCI Phoenix in Skippak Township. Mike was imprisoned since August 8, 1978, in relation to an altercation between the Philadelphia police and the MOVE Organization.

Making Amerikkka bad again

Amerikkka the great. Amerikkka the beautiful. Amerikkka the colonized land of confusion that consists of wicked rulers who slaughtered the Natives and kidnapped the Africans. (just to name a few crimes against humanity). These are the same “great ones” that bombed other nations with impunity and enslaved US citizens to toil in a corporate, capitalist society where we are proud to be oppressors in the form of someone’s else’s boss.

TrumpaKlan Race War

Gregory Bush was arrested shortly after killing two African Descendent elders at a Kroger store in Jeffersontown, KY. The 51 year old was charged with 2 counts of murder and multiple counts of wanton endangerment and is being held on 5 million dollar bail.

Invasion of the Tent Snatchers- Poverty Skolaz Release Their WeSearch Findings on SF Mayor Tent/Belonging Seizure Policy

WeSearch Report from Poverty Skola/WeSearchers from the Occupied Ohlone/Lisjan Village of Yelamu (San Francisco) Presents: Tent and Belonging Theft in San Francisco under Mayor London Breed


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