
Network Case Suspects Go on Hunger Strike

   Andrei Chernov in court. Photo courtesy of Mediazona and OVD Info.

OVD Info
December 2, 2018

Dmitry Pchelintsev and Andrei Chernov, residents of Penza and suspects
in the so-called Network case, have gone on hunger strike, claiming
remand prison officials and FSB officers have intimidated them during
their review of their criminal case file, something to which they are
entitled by Russian law. Several Penza suspects in the case have claimed
they have been put in solitary confinement, handcuffed to radiators, and
threatened with violance.

Movie Review: 'Shoplifters' (2018)

This short review looks at the film 'Shoplifters' (2018).

Reaction on the Rise in the Russian Federation

Quiet sidewalk in front of Renova offices.

In Moscow a picket organized by the International Workers' Association (IWA-AIT) in solidarity with fired miners was banned.

Why the World Banks announcement that they are making $200 billion available to help fight climate change may not be such good news after all!

The World Bank announced this week that it is to make about $200bn available to fund action on climate change. In making the announcement, Jim Yong Kim, the president of the World Bank, stated: “This is about putting countries and communities in charge of building a safer, more climate-resilient future.” The announcement has been greeted with universal approval with many arguing that the Bank is taking a strong lead and sending a strong signal to private sector financiers.

The Yellow Vests in France

A movement of three hundred thousand, with 3,000 blockades, what is the Gilets Jaunes movement?

Still Not Sorry: On the Plea Deal in the Locke St. Case in Hamilton

Originally posted to North Shore Counter Info, the following text looks at the recent sentencing of several comrades in the aftermath of an anti-gentrification riot in Hamilton, Ontario.

Holding the line: supporters picket Canada Post after back-to-work legislation

Sunrise at Edmonton picket, November 30, 2018 © Bob Barnetson

Union members and community supporters across Canada have been organizing militant and effective pickets at Canada Post facilities ever since legislation came down on Monday [November 26] making strikes by Canada Post workers themselves illegal. This report first appeared on Organizing Work.

Canada Post strike: reports from the picket lines as government orders workers back to work

A collection of reports and interviews from the Organizing Work blog, with Canadian postal workers speaking out on a struggle that's seen legislation brought in ordering them back to work.

Jason Walker attacked by prison clansmen for reporting their brutality

Jason Walker reports on a recent attack by prison guards attempting to silence his writing. This story first appeared in the San Francisco Bay View, and readers may wish to donate to the Bay View's ongoing operating costs.