4 December 2018

High school students and ambulance drivers join ‘Yellow Vest’ protests in France

By Alex Lantier, 4 December 2018

With a fourth consecutive Saturday of mass demonstrations against French President Emmanuel Macron’s regressive taxes planned this weekend, tens of thousands of high school students throughout France have staged demonstrations at their schools.

The mass protests in France: A new stage in the international class struggle

Third “yellow vest” protest in France defies government crackdown

As industry analysts point to 25,000 Ford job cuts
Ford workers denounce GM plant closings and layoffs

By Jerry White, 4 December 2018

Ford workers expressed support for joint action with GM to fight plant closings and layoffs, and said they planned to attend this Sunday’s meeting in Detroit to organize a fight back.

In wake of GM closure announcement, UAW and Democrats stoke nationalism

By Shannon Jones, 4 December 2018

The spreading of nationalist poison by the unions is aimed at sabotaging and diverting a united fight by workers against the threat of plant closings.

Support grows for December 9 Detroit meeting
Autoworkers say fight necessary to stop GM plant closings, UAW betrayal

“The union and Lear must think we are stupid”
Indiana Lear auto parts workers vote down UAW sellout contract second time

More on autoworkers issues »

Police and courts enforce Trudeau’s law criminalizing Canada Post strike

By Roger Jordan, 4 December 2018

The further escalation of the state assault on postal workers underscores that to oppose precarious employment, unsafe working conditions and declining real wages they and the working class as a whole must mount a political struggle.

Trudeau government illegalizes Canada Post strike

Canada Post workers need socialist strategy to defy and defeat Liberals’ back-to-work law

Sri Lankan court blocks functioning of Rajapakse cabinet

By K. Ratnayake, 4 December 2018

An appeals court temporarily ordered that Rajapakse and his ministers cease exercising their powers—intensifying Sri Lanka’s political crisis.

Sri Lanka: Factional deadlock remains in lead up to Supreme Court ruling

The political crisis in Sri Lanka: Its lessons for the international working class

San Diego workers and youth speak out in defense of refugees at US-Mexico border

By our reporters, 4 December 2018

American and Mexican citizens alike defended the migrant caravan and condemned the tear gas fired by the Border Patrol.

US and China put divergent spin on outcome of trade talks

By Nick Beams, 4 December 2018

The most important difference centres on the key demand of Washington that China make far-reaching “structural” changes to its economy in the area of high-tech development.

Oakland Schools face $60 million in cuts, state takeover

By Jonathan Burleigh, 4 December 2018

The Oakland Unified School District is proposing $60 million in cuts over two years and potentially closing a third of the district’s schools.

Eighth New York City taxi driver suicide of 2018

By Leslie Murtagh, 4 December 2018

An 84 percent drop in medallion worth in only four years is a main factor contributing to the tragic string of taxi driver suicides.

Fascist Vox party makes substantial gains in Andalusia elections

By Paul Mitchell, 4 December 2018

It is highly likely that Vox will enter government in the role of kingmaker.

While Modi touts India’s growth rate,
Four jobless youths commit suicide

By Kranti Kumara, 4 December 2018

There are more than 10 million annual entrants into India’s labor market. Yet a recent study found that less than a million new jobs were created in the first three years of the Modi-led BJP government.

Australia’s governing Liberal Party wracked by factional conflicts

By Oscar Grenfell, 4 December 2018

The public recriminations between Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his predecessor Malcolm Turnbull underscore the depth of the divisions within the Liberal Party.

New in Russian

Меркель поддерживает украинские провокации против России

Петер Шварц, 4 декабря 2018 г.

Канцлер Ангела Меркель подвергла Россию острой критике в ходе германо-украинского экономического форума, заявив, что Путин несет полную ответственность за текущий конфликт.

Эта неделя в истории
75 лет назад: Сталин, Черчилль и Рузвельт встречаются в Тегеране

4 декабря 2018 г.

Советский диктатор и лидеры британского и американского империализма собрались для того, чтобы обсудить будущее геостратегических отношений, какими они должны стать после окончания Второй мировой войны.

New in French

Des lycéens solidaires des «gilets jaunes» bloquent leurs établissements

Alexandre Lantier, 4 décembre 2018

Alors que les «gilets jaunes» ont prévu un quatrième samedi de manifestation ce week-end, des dizaines de milliers de lycéens en France bloquent leurs établissements

L’appui s’accroît pour la réunion du 9 décembre à Detroit
Les travailleurs de l’automobile disent qu’il faut se battre pour mettre fin aux fermetures d’usines de GM et à la trahison de l’UAW

Jerry White, 4 décembre 2018

La mobilisation des travailleurs contre la fermeture de cinq usines aux États-Unis et au Canada et l’élimination de plus de 14 000 emplois s’intensifie en vue de la réunion de ce dimanche.

Les travailleurs canadiens et américains de l'automobile appellent à une lutte unifiée contre l'attaque de GM sur les emplois

Will Morrow, 4 décembre 2018

Le large soutien en faveur d'une lutte unifiée des travailleurs contraste avec les efforts de l’UAW et d'Unifor qui visent à attiser le nationalisme.

La Catalogne secouée par une semaine de grèves contre l’austérité

Alejandro López, 4 décembre 2018

Depuis des années, la bourgeoisie régionale encourage sans relâche le nationalisme catalan afin d’enterrer les préoccupations socio-économiques des travailleurs et des jeunes, à la fois espagnols et catalans.

La Banque d’Angleterre prévient qu’un Brexit « sans accord » serait pire que le krach de 2008
Le Parti travailliste s’engage à sauver le capitalisme britannique

Robert Stevens, 4 décembre 2018

Le « pire » des scénarios suppose qu’il y aurait des contrôles douaniers à la frontière britannique, alors que le Royaume-Uni ne sera pas en mesure de négocier des accords commerciaux avec l’UE ou autres pays avant 2023.

La fédération syndicale allemande défend Hartz IV

Ulrich Rippert, 4 décembre 2018

Le SPD ne s’intéresse qu’aux cosmétiques et à un éventuel changement de nom, car Hartz IV est désormais associé à la pauvreté de masse et au harcèlement de l’État.

New in Turkish

Fransa’daki kitlesel protestolar: Uluslararası sınıf mücadelesinde yeni bir aşama

Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi Yayın Kurulu, 4 Aralık 2018

Mücadeleyi, işçi sınıfının ve gençliğin en geniş kesimlerine yayacak şekilde derinleştirmek acil bir ihtiyaçtır. Bu, taban komitelerinin, işçi sınıfının bağımsız mücadele örgütlerinin kurulmasını gerektirmektedir.

Fransa’daki üçüncü “Sarı Yelek” protestosu, hükümet baskısına meydan okudu

Anthony Torres, 4 Aralık 2018

Fransa Devlet Başkanı Emmanuel Macron’a ve onun işçi sınıfı karşıtı politikalarına yönelik muhalefetlerini göstermek için sarı yelekler giyen protestocuların üçüncü Cumartesi protestosu, Fransa geneline yayıldı.

Nazilerden AfD’ye: Büyük sermaye, aşırı sağı finanse ediyor

Peter Schwarz, 4 Aralık 2018

AfD’nin mali kaynakları hakkındaki ifşaatlar, bu aşırı sağcı partinin bir tür taban hareketi olmadığını bir kez daha doğrulamaktadır.

Guardian gazetesi, Assange’a ve WikiLeaks’e karşı yeni suçlamalara öncülük ediyor

James Cogan, 4 Aralık 2018

Doğrulanmamış ve sansasyonel iddialar yayınlayan Guardian, Assange’a yönelik zulüm lehine yayın yapan başlıca medya kanallarından biri olarak iğrenç rolünü pekiştirmiş durumda.

New in German

Massenproteste in Frankreich: Eine neue Etappe des internationalen Klassenkampfs

Redaktion der World Socialist Web Site, 4. Dezember 2018

Die Demonstrationen gegen die Sparpolitik der Regierung in Frankreich zeigen, dass die Arbeiterklasse nicht nur eine unterdrück te, sondern auch eine revolutionäre Klasse ist.

G20-Gipfel: Scharfe Wirtschaftskonflikte und übertünchte Streitfragen

Nick Beams, 4. Dezember 2018

Es ist bezeichnend für die aktuellen Beziehungen zwischen den Großmächten, dass es schon als Erfolg gilt, dass offene Konflikte am Gipfel vermieden wurden.

Wut der Bayer- Arbeiter über Stellenstreichungen wächst

unseren Reportern, 4. Dezember 2018

Nachdem der Chemiekonzern in der letzten Woche angekündigt hatte, 12.000 seiner 118.200 Arbeitsplätze zu vernichten, kommen immer neue Fakten über die rücksichtslosen Pläne der Konzernleitung an die Öffentlichkeit.

New in Norwegian

Masseprotestene i Frankrike: En ny fase av den internasjonale klassekampen

Redaksjonsrådet for World Socialist Web Site, 3. desember 2018

Denne helgens antinedskjæringsdemonstrasjoner i Frankrike har vist at arbeiderklassen ikke bare er en undertrykt klasse, men en revolusjonær klasse.

Tredje «gul vest»-protesten i Frankrike trosser regjeringens tilslag

Anthony Torres, 3. desember 2018

Mens protester sprer seg over hele Europa bryter det ut en historisk politisk krise, etter det mest voldelige polititilslaget i sentrum av Paris på et halvt århundre.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador innsatt som ny president i Mexico

Alex Gonzálz og Don Knowland, 3. desember 2018

Folkelige illusjoner om den nye presidentens løfter om å få slutt på tiår med fattigdom og undertrykking i Mexico vil krasje mot hans begrensede, borgerlige program.

Tysk påtalemyndighet gjennomfører razzia hos Deutsche Bank

Johannes Stern, 3. desember 2018

Påtalemyndighetens talsperson sa det var det nødvendig med et ekstra søk i bankens kontorer, på grunn av materialets omfang.

«Velbetalte journalister har blitt stupide etterplaprere av krigspropagandaen»
John Pilger diskuterer sin filmfestival «The Power of Documentary»

Richard Phillips, 3. desember 2018

Veteranjournalisten og filmskaperen John Pilger snakket i forrige uke med WSWS om filmfestivalen han arrangerer og de politiske problemene som konfronterer seriøse journalister i dag.

New in Spanish

Un millón de muertes por suicidio y sobredosis desde 2007
Víctimas de la contrarrevolución social en Estados Unidos

Eric London, 3 diciembre 2018

La “crisis de mortalidad” es producto de las políticas de contrarrevolución social impuestas tanto por demócratas como republicanos en colaboración con los sindicatos.

Migrantes centroamericanos se enfrentan al horror en la frontera de Estados Unidos

Bill Van Auken, 3 diciembre 2018

El confinamiento deliberado de miles de hombres, mujeres y niños refugiados bajo condiciones desesperadas es un crimen contra la humanidad.

Huelgas y manifestaciones sacuden Francia
La indignación de los trabajadores automotores crece con el cierre de plantas de GM

Alex Lantier, 3 diciembre 2018

Las luchas plantean la necesidad de organizar a los trabajadores y jóvenes independientemente de los sindicatos y partidos que defienden a Macron.

Ucrania: Poroshenko declara ley marcial para reprimir la oposición política y social/a>

Jason Melanovski y Clara Weiss, 3 diciembre 2018

El ejército ha sido puesto en alerta máxima y la presencia de la policía ha aumentado sustancialmente en las principales ciudades.

Tres muertos, ocho heridos en persecución a alta velocidad por la Patrulla Fronteriza de EUA en el sur de California

Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 3 diciembre 2018

Esta última tragedia debe verse en el contexto del ataque fascistizante de la Administración de Trump contra los inmigrantes.

López Obrador en México acoge al ejército en vísperas de la inauguración presidencial

Don Knowland, 3 diciembre 2018

Las políticas que han sido articuladas por el presidente entrante y su equipo develan lo que será un Gobierno burgués plenamente derechista.

New in Dutch

Nederland: 10.000 protesteren tegen pro-zakelijk overheidsbeleid

Harm Zonderland, 17 november 2018

Op zaterdag 10 november protesteerden 10.000 mensen tegen het pro-zakelijke beleid van de liberaal-conservatieve regering van premier Mark Rutte (VVD), die nu één jaar aan de macht is. De regering heeft al de vennootschapsbelasting verlaagd, en is van plan om de belastingen te verhogen op basisbehoeften, zoals voedingsmiddelen en medicijnen.

Other Languages


López Obrador’s rise in Mexico sets stage for explosive class struggles

4 December 2018

AMLO’s proposed policies, packaged in pseudo-populist verbiage, make clear that the aspirations of his voters will soon be shattered.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Commitee of the Fourth International

A serious response at Sydney meeting to mark 80 years of the Fourth International

By our reporters, 4 December 2018

David North explained the striking parallels between the 1930s, when Leon Trotsky established the Fourth International, and the new period of upsurge of the international working class today, underscored by the mass protests in France.

Attentive audience at David North’s Sydney launch of The Heritage We Defend

By our reporter, 1 December 2018

David North explained the relevance of the history of the Fourth International for today’s worldwide eruption of struggles by the working class and young people.

Meetings in Australia and New Zealand to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

The meetings will take place in Sydney on Sunday, December 2, in Melbourne on Thursday, December 6, and in Wellington, New Zealand on Sunday, December 9.

Socialist Equality Party

Resolution of the SEP (U K ) Fourth National Congress
The resurgence of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (UK): Part Two

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 4 December 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Fourth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain, which was held October 27-30, 2018. It is being published in three parts. This is the second part

Arts Review

Submission: A college professor undone by sexual harassment allegations

By David Walsh, 4 December 2018

Given the film’s subject matter, the generally hostile or condescending treatment Submission received at the hands of the major film critics in March 2018 should not have come as a surprise.

“Well-paid journalists have become gormless cyphers of the propaganda of war”
John Pilger discusses his “The Power of Documentary” film festival

By Richard Phillips, 3 December 2018

I object—Ian Hislop’s search for dissent: An exhibition that eradicates socialist ideas and revolutionary action
At the British Museum, London

By Paul Mitchell, 1 December 2018

A “kinder, gentler” imperialist butcher, dead at 94
Media, political establishment laud George H. W. Bush

By Patrick Martin, 3 December 2018

The fight against mass layoffs at GM

Video: Attend the December 9 meeting in Detroit to oppose the GM plant closures!

GM’s planned closure of five plants in the US and Canada would be a death sentence for Detroit, Youngstown, and Oshawa, Ontario. But workers are organizing a fight back.

Canadian and US autoworkers call for a united struggle against GM’s assault on jobs

By Will Morrow, 1 December 2018

Industry publication boasts: GM plant closures aimed at extorting more concessions from autoworkers

By Jerry White, 30 November 2018

“Everybody—Ford, Chrysler, GM—needs to strike right now”
Autoworkers’ outrage grows over GM plant closings

General Motors worker on job cuts: “This is all about corporate greed”
Detroit-Hamtramck autoworkers want to fight against plant closures

A call to action to fight the GM plant closings and mass layoffs

Form rank-and-file committees
Reject the UAW-Lear sellout contract! Unite with GM and other autoworkers in a common fight!

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 28 November 2018

In run-up to contract vote
UAW intensifies campaign of intimidation against Indiana Lear workers

UAW negotiates secret deal with Columbia University to block strike action by graduate students

By Alexander Fangmann, 26 November 2018

More on autoworkers issues »


German prosecutor’s office raids Deutsche Bank

By Johannes Stern, 3 November 2018

Andrés Manuel López Obrador inaugurated as new president of Mexico

By Alex González and Don Knowland, 3 December 2018

Mexico’s Lopez Obrador embraces military on eve of presidential inauguration

G20 papers over differences as economic conflicts intensify

By Nick Beams, 3 December 2018

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren glorify the late President Bush

By Genevieve Leigh, 3 December 2018

One million dead from suicide, drug overdoses since 2007
Casualties of the social counterrevolution in America

By Eric London, 1 December 2018

25 years ago: Christian Democrats suffer political collapse in Italy

Millions of voters shifted their support both to the neo-fascist right and the Party of the Democratic Left, the successor organization to the Italian Communist Party.

More »

50 years ago: Vietnam peace talks to be resumed

Changing its decision in early November to leave the Paris Peace Talks, the government of South Vietnam announced on December 7, 1968 it would re-join the negotiations.

More »

75 years ago: Italian Jews deported to Auschwitz

On December 6, 1943, 246 Jews were shipped by train from Milan and Verona to Auschwitz.

More »


100 Years Ago: Constantinople under Allied military rule

Following the defeat of Turkey and its World War I allies, Germany and Austria-Hungary, by the Allied imperialists, the Turkish capital Constantinople was placed under the joint military administration of the victorious powers.

More »


Last light for the Kepler space telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 1 December 2018

The first and most productive space telescope designed to find planets beyond our Solar System has been retired after exhausting its fuel supply.

NASA InSight mission successfully lands on Mars

By Bryan Dyne, 28 November 2018

The Campaign to Free Julian Assange

SEP meeting and livestream on December 16: What next in the fight to free Julian Assange?

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 28 November 2018

The meeting will discuss the Socialist Equality Party’s political perspective to mobilise and lead the defence of Julian Assange.

Special counsel, Democrats step up pressure on Trump over Russia, Assange

By Barry Grey, 1 December 2018

Guardian newspaper spearheads new accusations against Assange and WikiLeaks

By James Cogan, 28 November 2018

Workers Struggles

United Steelworkers push through sellout contract at ArcelorMittal

By Jessica Goldstein, 3 December 2018

Locked-out ABI aluminum workers demonstrate in downtown Montreal

At ABI workers’ protest, USW officials accost and threaten WSWS supporters

Around 100,000 Sri Lankan plantation workers walk out again for pay rise

By our correspondents, 30 November 2018

‬Greyhound axes bus service across Western Canada

By Penny Smith, 29 November 2018

California Wildfires

Rainstorm ends California wildfires, but threatens to cause flash flooding

By Evan Blake, 23 November 2018

Photo Essay: The social cost of the Camp Fire

Refugees from Paradise

The WSWS spoke to some of the thousands who lost everything in the Camp Fire disaster in northern California. Many blame energy monopoly PG&E.;

The fire in Paradise, California: From natural disaster to social catastrophe

Mehring Books

Mehring Books launches holiday sale
Most titles 10 to 50 percent off!

By Mehring Books, 23 November 2018

Our annual holiday sale is a great opportunity to introduce friends to socialism and to expand your Marxist library.

David North in conversation with Nick Beams
Book launch of The Heritage We Defend in Sydney, Australia

Why are they back?
New title from Mehring Books explains resurgence of fascism in Germany

New In Arabic

Arabic translation of “Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today”

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of a lecture delivered by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board chairman, David North in Colombo to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International and the 50th anniversary of the Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka.


The centenary of the “Spanish Flu”—Lessons for today
Part two

By Benjamin Mateus, 20 November 2018

This is the second part of a two-part series. The first part was posted on November 19.

The centenary of the “Spanish Flu”—Lessons for today
Part one of a two-part series

History of the Fourth International

“Eighty Years of the Fourth International” series continues with meetings in California and Oregon

By our reporters, 17 November 2018

Taking place in the backdrop of the rising death toll from the California fires and the rise of the far-right, the meetings attracted broad audiences of youth, students and workers across the West Coast.

Growing interest in socialism at Chicago meeting on 80th anniversary of Fourth International

By the IYSSE at University of Illinois at Chicago, 14 November 2018

David North lecture tour
Nearly 100 attend meeting in New York City on the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

David North lecture tour
More than 100 attend meeting at MIT on anniversary of the Fourth International

David North begins US speaking tour in Michigan to mark 80 years of the Fourth International

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

Large Colombo audience hears David North’s lecture on the history of the Fourth International

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 September 2018

Security and the Fourth International

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

This is the text and audio of a lecture delivered by Eric London in Detroit, Michigan reviewing the monumental investigation conducted by the International Committee of the Fourth International titled Security and the Fourth International, which exposed the infiltration of the movement by agents of the FBI and Stalinist GPU.

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Significant vote for SEP candidate Niles Niemuth in Michigan’s 12th district

By our reporters, 8 November 2018

Final campaign meeting for Niles Niemuth reviews experiences from campaigning

By our reporters, 7 November 2018

Vote Niles Niemuth, Socialist Equality Party, for US House of Representatives in Michigan’s 12th district!

Democratic Party mailer removes SEP candidate Niles Niemuth from sample ballot

Campaign website »

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

Watch: Two Hundred Years Since the Birth of Karl Marx

By Nick Beams, 31 October 2018

Nick Beams delivers successful lectures on the contemporary relevance of Karl Marx at Australian universities

By our reporters, 31 October 2018


World vertebrate populations have fallen 60 percent since 1970

By Bryan Dyne, 1 November 2018

The latest Living Planet Report demonstrates the far-reaching implications of human activity on both the climate and the degradation of the natural environment.

Book review

DSA covers for unions and Democrats in new book on walkout by West Virginia teachers
55 Strong, Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike

By Nancy Hanover, 18 October 2018

A new book promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is centered on the lie that the West Virginia teachers’ strike, which set off the series of strikes nationally last spring, was a “victory” in which the unions played a heroic role.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

8 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
The lessons of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party’s Great Betrayal

By Rohantha De Silva and Vilani Peiris, 24 September 2018


Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

Security and the Fourth International

An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one

By Eric London, 14 August 2018

This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.

Part two | Part three | Part four

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.