Why choose Web-Stat?

Because you need traffic data that is accurate, complete and easy to use!

What makes Web-Stat unique?

  • Professional traffic analysis package with guaranteed uptime and reliability.

  • Extremely precise and bug-free. We have been in continuous operations since 1996 and we constantly review the data we collect to make sure that it is accurate. This allows us to measure ALL your visitor's activity with close to 100% precision.

  • Easy and simple: we don't drown you in irrelevant data and throw at you everything that can possibly be measured, just because we can. We only show information that is important and relevant. You won't need an engineering degree to make sense of your stats!

  • Full support. We'll help you install, we'll fix any problems you might run into, we'll answer your questions, and we'll help you understand the data we are collecting for you, if you need us to.

  • Works on all sites. Unlike other analytics systems, we do not require that your site be JavaScript-enabled to detect a visit. If you can not use JavaScript on your pages, you can still install Web-Stat.

  • Detects all visitors. Unlike other analytics systems, we do not require that your visitors use a JavaScript-enabled browser. It does not matter who your visitor is and what kind of browser or operating system he uses: if he comes to your site we will detect him and measure his activity. Other systems, like Analytics for instance, do not.

  • Independent company not affiliated with Google, Yahoo or Microsoft. As such we can track the results of your Google Adwords, Yahoo PPC or other advertising campaigns objectively and with no conflicts of interest.

  • Your data stays private. Web-Stat does not supply any of your data to third parties or use it for purposes unknown to you. If you use Web-Stat you remain anonymous and your data belongs to you and only you.

  • More precise than server logs. Web-Stat's data is not derived from your server logs which makes it more precise than traffic stats supplied by your host which tend to overestimate your traffic [ more ]

Quick overview of the unique features offered by Web-Stat:

Features comparison Analytics Others Web-Stat
Live, up-to-the-second stats [ ? ]
Show details of individual visitors some
Precisely measures duration of visits estimated
Full person-to-person support some
Individual visitors click-paths and conversions some
Measure all your referrals some
Measure your conversions some
Get an email alert with new visits (optional)
Get an email alert when you get a conversion
Monitor file downloads [ ? ]
Monitor clicks to outside sites [ ? ]
Completely invisible [ ? ] some
Text or GIF Counter available [ ? ] some
Connection Counter available [ ? ]
Get an alert if your site goes off-line [ ? ]
Geo-customize your site's content in real time [ ? ]
Your data is confidential some
Independent from Adwords (*) [ ? ]

(*) if you advertise with Google Adwords, you should not use Analytics to measure the results of your campaigns. You don't want the same company to both sell you the adverts and measure their return. Web-Stat is an independent third party and can do that analysis for you without conflict of interest.

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