What People are Saying

“I personally know several fellow Australians involved with Love Makes a Way. They are not the usual suspects, repeat offenders, or motivated by some anti-Government anarchy. Rather, they are driven by a strong commitment to remind Australian Members of Parliament that the public interest is best served, particularly in the area of refugee policy, by the power of love. That is not a crime. That is a message that is long overdue, and too often forgotten by decision-makers today.”
Rob Oakeshott, Former Independent Member for Lyne

“Anything I can say seems trite after hearing what you’ve had to say. You are a credit to your faith and an inspiration.”
Magistrate Brett Dixon, Mount Barker Magistrates Court
“Our approach to children in detention is unacceptable, and I wholeheartedly endorse … the Love Makes a Way campaign.”
Melissa Parke, Former Federal Member for Fremantle

“The Bible is irrefutably clear on two things: first, that all Christians should show love and hospitality to strangers and, second, and crucially, we should protect and care for children. There is nothing ambiguous about these claims. So the reaction of some to the appearance of the interdenominational group Love Makes a Way formed to end ‘inhumane’ asylum seeker policies through non-violent protest, was: ‘At last!’ or ‘Where on earth have you been?’”
Julia Baird, Australian Journalist