[Presented by Mao at the 9th Congress of the Communist Party, Correcting Mistaken Ideas remains vibrant and useful to comrades struggling today. Its value does not lie only with military affairs, nor affairs of formations with pretenses to a party. Right-opportunism that neglects subjective work and propaganda of all types, primadonnas that reject small tasks, and […]

[A century after the end of the first world war, and on the cusp of the third, we find it fitting to republish Lenin’s revisiting of Engels’ prophetic words. Certainly we are faced with many of the same problems: social-chauvinism parading itself as socialism; rising militarism and nationalism; a boiling world-economic crisis. Indeed, these are […]

Most readers will not, by now, require a recapitulation of the condition and origins of the so-called ‘migrant caravan’ currently stalled in Mexico. If so, one might begin here, here, and here. What we seek to do is clarify the class-nature of the crisis, the enemy, and the position of the proletarian camp. Like most […]

The NYPD is recalling nearly 3000 body cameras used by New York pigs after an apparent malfunction caused one to combust. Boot-licking bureaucrats wasted no time in releasing a statement on the “paramount importance” placed on officer safety, and that they would immediately recall all bodycams from the particular manufacturer. They say it is purely […]

[Alfie Hancox is a Masters of Research student investigating the politics of gender, sexuality and race on the British far left. He is interested in recovering theory linking diverse social movements with an anti-imperialist political economy.] By Alfie Hancox Fifty years ago, in 1968, the capitalist world-system was shaken by an eclectic outpouring of revolutionary […]

The imperialist media has played the principal role in the ballooning moral drama following the murder and apparent dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, a contributing journalist for the Washington Post, by the Saudi state. The seemingly endless propaganda drive for “justice” has once again exposed contradictions within imperialist state, putting Trump’s party and regime in a […]

In a reversal stunning absolutely no one, neoliberal ideologue Francis Fukuyama has abandoned that thoroughly sunken ship known as the “end of history” thesis, presumably after shutting off the lights and donning a snorkel. The series of half-hearted defenses of his almost 30-year-wrong position, which were really just half-hearted disavowals, were issued in a recent […]

[Originally published in July of 1920, during the Second Congress of the Communist International, the following was intended to set the foundation of the new party model and set the practical agenda for all Comintern members. Moreover, it represented the final defeat of the most critical organizational errors of the Second International. While it is […]

With the deadline for negotiations on a british departure from the e.u. fast approaching, the reality of a “no deal” brexit is becoming increasingly likely. This would have a number of serious consequences, not least of which is the future of the british colonial holding in Northern Ireland. At the moment the current open-border policy […]

[Originally written in 1973 by Audre Lorde, this poem—alternatively known as “Postscript to Karl Marx”—encroaches on the reality of the modern Labor Aristocracy in the imperialist core countries. As always the following has been made available here for the purposes of study and struggle.] Down Wall Street the students marched for peace Above, construction workers […]

On tuesday it was announced that Amazon will be raising its company minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour for amerikan workers, and that it will further lobby for the federal minimum wage to be raised to match it. The company also moved to raise the minimum wage in their uk warehouses in a similar […]

[The following review by Wiawimawo of J. Sakai’s The Dangerous Class and Revolutionary Theory was originally published by MIM(Prisons). As always, the following has been made available here for the purposes of study and struggle.] The bulk of this double book is looking at the limited and contradictory writings of Marx/Engels and Mao on the […]

Throughout the turbulent bend in the trajectory of the people’s war in India, many territories firmly held by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) were violently returned to the hands of the corrupt Indian state. The temporary return of “peace” to these areas, however, is no consolation to the masses of people who occupy them. […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at leftistcritic@linuxmail.org.] […]

PDF – China: A Modern Social-Imperialist Power In May of 2017, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) initiated a study posing the question of whether China had or had not become a new imperialist power. The resulting report answers in the affirmative: In the view of the CPI(Maoist), the People’s Republic of […]

[Leftist Critic is an independent writer, researcher, and comrade who cares about the world around them. Other than posting on radical subreddits, they also tweet infrequently at @leftistcriticabout about the murderous US empire, international solidarity with nations and peoples under attack, and provide necessary criticism of the Western “Left.” They can be reached at leftistcritic@linuxmail.org.] […]

Two nights ago Brazil suffered the tragic loss of more than 200 years of work collecting, studying and presenting the history of the country and its many peoples. A fire engulfed the National Museum, home to more than 20 million artifacts, including a 12,000 year-old human skull, the oldest human remains found in Brazil. The […]

[The following essay was originally published by the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Naxalbari before its merger with the CPI (Maoist), written by comrade Ajith, one of their foremost cadre and spokesmen internationally. The essay aims to explore the historical development of the Maoist party, its axioms and relationship to the development of communist parties in […]

Seven years after formally ceasing operations, the u.$. navy’s 2nd fleet has been reactivated and ordered to the northern Atlantic as a means of confronting “bad actors” they believe hostile to imperialist interests. It is more than obvious these “actors” are in fact one actor—Russia. This is riding a high-tide of inter-imperialist tension and rivalry […]

[Originally published as part of a larger work, Post-modernism Today: A Brief Introduction by Siraj, this particular essay stands quite well on its own as a condemnation of post-modernism from a Maoist standpoint. This essay, and the larger work it comes from, are available in full at bannedthought.net. As always, the following has been made available […]