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Party Discussion Site Now Available
- 2016 Aug 29

The CPA (M-L) recently created a discussion site for the printing of articles that are relevant to the work of the Party, but not necessarily reflective of a considered Party viewpoint, and for the raising of questions of the Party by members and supporters.

This is a moderated website and not a site for endless and pointless posts.

The most recent article is by respected Australian Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen which responds to a view that talking of an impending crisis of capitalism is “crying wolf”.

The article can be found by following this link to the home page of the discussion site:    

Members and supporters are asked to read the “How to use this website” post through a link on the top left hand side of the discussion site’s home page.




Latest Posts

The relevance of Marx today  

CPA (M-L) presentation at a public meeting in Melbourne to mark 200 years since the birth of Karl Marx, under the theme "It's the 21st Century, Is Marxism still relevant?

In paying our respects to Karl Marx, we should also acknowledge the important role of Frederick Engels, his comrade in ...


more...- Posted on 2018 Dec 01

All eyes on Samoa  

An announcement that China was planning to gain access to dilapidated port facilities in Samoa in the South Pacific, has thrown US-led western allies into panic. 
The US imperialists assess the rapid rise of China as threatening traditional US hegemonic regional standing.
The western allies also fear the ability ...

more...- Posted on 2018 Dec 01

Universities increase profits at low-paid workers’ expense  

Ned K.

Universities have become institutions whose primary aim is to make money, in particular by attracting more high paying overseas students than their competitors and cutting back on labor costs of both academic staff and support services.


more...- Posted on 2018 Dec 01

Students show the way on climate change  

"The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last analysis, it is yours. You young people, full of vigour and vitality, are in the bloom of life, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning. Our hope is placed on you. The world belongs to ...


more...- Posted on 2018 Dec 01

Corporate media, Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine  

Lindy Nolan

This is the second in a series of articles investigating ruptures in a carefully fostered pro-corporate united front among First Nations Peoples. The series focuses on the wider implications of recent statements by pro-mining Aboriginal activist Marcia Langton.

November 29, 2018


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 29

Parliament shamed by anti-women bullies  

The decision by Victorian Liberal MP Julia Banks to quit the Coalition government over its attitude to women, and the sexist slur against SA Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young by a Queensland Nationals senator show that issues of gender inequality are still rife under capitalism.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 29

Government to steal one thousand kids by 2022  

Louisa L

The NSW Government celebrated International Children’s Day, October 23, by passing legislation through the Lower House to permanently steal children.
So said Greens MP and long-term campaigner against continuing stolen generations, David Shoebridge, to families and supporters outside Parliament House on Wednesday. The next day legislation passed the ...


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 23

APEC Summit and US moves to put “allies” in the front lines of conflict  

The recent Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in Papua New Guinea provided the expected confrontation between US-led western allies and China. It was the outcome of months of the former engaging in high-level, tense diplomacy, toward China.

more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 23

Five picket lines win first pay rises for five years  

NSW construction workers at Boom Logistics and Wollongong Crane Group (WCG) have won their first pay rises in five years. The companies had not made any realistic offer despite months of negotiations.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 22

Hidden wage theft: Another reason why we have to change the rules  
Decades of economic rationalism have undermined our way of life for ordinary working people.
The fetish nature of de-regulation, privatisation and liberalisation has created the conditions where the worst instincts of the business-classes have been revealed. And they still cry poor!

more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 20

Farmers of the world unite, call for intensified struggle vs. foreign plunder of land, state terror  

MANILA, Philippines

During the holding of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle 5th International Assembly (ILPS5thIA) in Quezon City, the ILPS Commission 6 for Agrarian Reform Concern called for intensified struggle against foreign plunder of land and state terror against people’s movements.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 20

US Forces get the nod – for the time being  

Ned K.

At the recent APEC summit in Port Moresby, the Australian Government had no hesitation in strengthening its military, political and economic ties with US imperialism with announcements of joint military and naval bases to the north of Australia.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 20

The tide is turning and Marcia Langton senses it  

Lindy Nolan

This is the first in a series of articles investigating ruptures in a carefully fostered pro-corporate united front among First Nations Peoples. The series focuses on the wider implications of recent statements by pro-mining Aboriginal activist Marcia Langton.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 16


Anniversary: 100 years since the end of the ‘war to end all wars’


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 13

United States cold war position with Iran – 2018  


The intention, by the Trump administration to reimpose sanctions on Iran, is the outcome of two inter-related factors: an attempt to strengthen a Cold War position in the Middle East and to bring developments in neighbouring Syria to a head.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 13

Hundreds rally against nuclear dump proposal  

Nick G.

Hundreds of South Australians rallied outside Parliament House on Saturday November 2 to oppose nuclear waste dumps proposed for SA.
The rally was organised by the Aboriginal-led No Dump Alliance



more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 05

Broken Hill rally to save the Barka (Darling River)  

Nick G.

More than 400 people marched through Broken Hill to Sturt Park Reserve today in a rally to save the Barka (Darling River).
The rally brought together residents of Broken Hill and the surrounding region, including Barkindji nation traditional owners and pastoralists.


more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 03

Crisis theory : The law of a tendency of the rate of profit to fall  

Humphrey Mc Queen

3CR Solidarity Breakfast presentation October 20th 2018



more...- Posted on 2018 Nov 02

Editorial: Shifting the Australian Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem  

In what seems to have been an attempt to win over Jewish voters in the electorate of Wentworth in the recent by-election, Prime Minister Scott Morrison floated the idea that the Australian embassy in Israel could be shifted from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. According to Morrison, there are a number ...


more...- Posted on 2018 Oct 31

Civilian surveillance and imperialist plans for war  
There is little ambiguity on the part of US imperialism toward its Chinese rival; it has recently been clearly defined by a leading member of the Trump administration.
The diplomatic position is not only confined to the US: Australia has been drawn into the fray through regional military alliances ...

more...- Posted on 2018 Oct 29

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