Posts Tagged ‘Granada’

Barcelona/Granada/Madrid/Palencia: Operation Piñata raids (Spain & Catalunya)

Monday, March 30th, 2015

UPDATE: Operation Piñata – Five comrades imprisoned, ten conditionally bailed, address for three of the prisoners

Via squat.net:

This morning in Operation Piñata (following Pandora in December) cops have raided social centres and arrested people (at least 26) in Barcelona, Madrid, Palencia and Granada.

La 13-14 in Madrid announced it was being raided this morning.

CSOA La Redonda in Granada released a communique condemning the raids, which they said occurred without a warrant.

Centro Social (re)Okupado La Quimera in Lavapies, Madrid was evicted. It also stated no warrant was shown after its doors were smashed at 06:30 and added:

“This is just another attack on the anarchist movement with intent to criminalize and victimize our struggle.”

Other raided social centres were la Magdalena and La Enredadera de Tetuán.

In solidarity!

On squat.net:
Estado español: Zarpazo represivo, al menos 26 detenciones. Desalojan el CSOA La Quimera

La policia espanyola deté 27 persones en una operació contra col·lectius anarquistes

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Posted in Social Control

Letter from Noelia Cotela Riveiro (Spain)

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

via tarcoteca;


First it is remarkable to say that unfortunately I’m not “a tortured prisoner” I am “another tortured prisoner” in this supposedly rule of law and democratic country. From the dungeon where I am, in an isolation bunker, where I have spent six years locked up by the only fact of rebelling against the injustices and atrocities that the executioners make us here within to the ones with courage enough to reclaim, to uprise and make them hardly earn the bread they receive from the state for mistreating, violate our rights, physically and mentally torturing, or even killing with complete impunity. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle