Featured Articles

Félix Frenay, “The Law” (1864) (FR/EN)

Featured articles

It is truly interesting to observe that over the course of the centuries that history allows us to nous survey, the human mind, in its slow, but continual march, while undermining institutions, beliefs and prejudices, while attacking all the abominations, has always made one exception. Indeed, when all the religions have fallen or totter on their foundations, one alone will remain upright and solid… and that is the law. […]

Hector Morel, “Nationalities Considered from the Point of View of Liberty” (1862)

Featured articles

If there are words that we have used and abused, which we use and abuse every day, they are unquestionably the words nation and homeland. Everything in society which aims to muzzle and exploit the people, to paralyze and hold back the development of human intelligence, is always and invariably advanced in the name of the homeland: Laws and regulations, ordinances and decrees, scaffolds and prisons, police and gendarmes, etc., etc., all this hideous paraphernalia of chains and slavery, of plunder and misery, of exploitation and servitude, has only been invented, only exists, in the interest of the good order and internal security of nations. […]

Anarchist Beginnings: Collections

Programs and Manifestos

Vol. II — PROGRAMS & MANIFESTOS Ferdinand Monier, “Manifeste anarchiste” (1886) Joseph Lane, “An Anti-Statist Communist Manifesto” (1887) Commonweal Anarchist Group, “Why We Are Anarchists” (1894) London Anarchist Communist Alliance, “An Anarchist Manifesto” (1895)

Featured Projects

PROJECT: Vital Things


There is an element of anarchist theory that keeps imposing itself on my studies, often in the most unexpected times and places, which I think of — very imprecisely, I’ll admit — as a kind of vitalist tendency. By this I mean that there is a surprisingly common tendency, when attempting to speak about anarchy in its positive aspects, to make a connection to a range of ideas (life, sex, fecundity, progression, etc.) that are at once “natural” and disruptive of any very fixed, authoritative form of living or organizing social life. […]

Mutualism.info: An Index

Featured Projects

These are the posts previously hosted at mutualism.info: William Batchelder Greene, Letter to Orestes Brownson (1849) Annie Field, from “Whittier: Notes Of His Life And Of His Friendships” (1897) William Batchelder Greene, “The Right of […]