1 December 2018

As G20 Summit opens, US political establishment brays for trade war and military escalation

By Andre Damon, 1 December 2018

Trump’s trip to the G20 Summit in Argentina has been proceeded by demands for trade war and military escalation against Russia and China.

Trump cancels G20 meeting with Putin amid rising tensions

Special counsel, Democrats step up pressure on Trump over Russia, Assange

By Barry Grey, 1 December 2018

This week's moves by Mueller highlight the reactionary character of the Democratic Party's opposition to the right-wing Trump administration.

More on the anti-Russia campaign »

Police repression in Buenos Aires for G20: a dress-rehearsal for dictatorship

By Rafael Azul, 1 December 2018

The G20 has been used as a pretext for police-state measures, including an abrogation of the democratic right to assemble and protest.

Central American migrants facing horror on US border

By Bill Van Auken, 1 December 2018

The deliberate confinement of thousands of refugees—men, women and children—under desperate conditions is a crime against humanity.

Three killed, eight injured in high speed US Border Patrol chase in southern California

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 1 December 2018

This latest tragedy must be viewed in the context of the Trump administration’s fascistic attack on immigrants.

After Trump fires tear gas at immigrant children
Sanders declares caravan members lack a “credible” claim to asylum

More on the attack on immigrants »

CNN fires contributor accused of “anti-Semitism” for defending Palestinian rights

By Kayla Costa, 1 December 2018

While CNN has not provided a full explanation, the firing of Marc Lamont Hill came one day after he made public statements critical of Israeli policy against Palestinians.

Ukraine: Poroshenko declares martial law to crack down on political and social opposition

By Jason Melanovski and Clara Weiss, 1 December 2018

The army has been put on high alert and the presence of police has been substantially increased in major cities.

Merkel backs Ukrainian provocations against Russia

By Peter Schwarz, 1 December 2018

Chancellor Angela Merkel has sharply attacked Russia at the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum, declaring that Putin is fully responsible for the present conflict.

Ukraine’s provocation in the Azov Sea

Mexico’s Lopez Obrador embraces military on eve of presidential inauguration

By Don Knowland, 1 December 2018

The policies that have been articulated by the incoming president and his team reveal what will be a thoroughly right-wing bourgeois administration.

Strikes and demonstrations shake France

By Alex Lantier, 1 December 2018

The struggles pose the necessity of organizing workers and youth independently of the unions and the parties defending Macron.

Catalonia rocked by a week of strikes against austerity

By Alejandro López, 1 December 2018

For years the regional bourgeoisie has relentlessly promoted Catalan nationalism to bury the socio-economic concerns of workers and youth, both Spanish and Catalan.

Locked-out ABI aluminum workers demonstrate in downtown Montreal

By our reporters, 1 December 2018

The steelworkers union has systematically isolated the struggle of the 1,030 locked-out ABI workers, while signaling its willingness to impose concessions and job cuts.

At ABI workers’ protest, USW officials accost and threaten WSWS supporters

By Laurent Lafrance, 1 December 2018

Flanked by other supporters of the Steelworker bureaucracy, Dominic Lemieux, the assistant to the Quebec USW director, accosted and slandered WSWS supporters.

Australian Labor Party helps disintegrating government impose repressive laws

By Mike Head, 1 December 2018

Labor is working hand-in-glove with the Liberal-National Coalition to push through a series of draconian laws.

Thousands of Australian high school students join climate change strike

By our correspondents, 1 December 2018

The rallies showed the growing politicisation of a generation that has grown up amid continuous war, growing inequality and worsening environmental destruction.

New Zealand teachers’ struggle at a crossroads

By Tom Peters, 1 December 2018

Teachers are determined to fight, but the unions are attempting to suppress their struggle by promoting illusions in the Labour-led government.

New in Spanish

Los demócratas reeligen una conducción derechista

Patrick Martin, 1 diciembre 2018

La bancada demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes reeligió a los mismos líderes que colaboraron con la guerra en Irak bajo Bush y el rescate de Wall Street bajo Obama.

La crisis de mortalidad en Estados Unidos: los CDC informan sobre una caída extraordinaria en la esperanza de vida

Trévon Austin, 1 diciembre 2018

Desde el impacto combinado de la Primera Guerra Mundial y la gripe española en 1918, el país no había experimentado una caída tan prolongada en la esperanza de vida.

Una revista de la industria se enorgullece en anunciar los cierres de plantas de GM cuyo fin es obtener más concesiones de los trabajadores automotores

Jerry White, 1 diciembre 2018

En un artículo publicado el jueves en el sitio web de Automotive News, el reportero Michael Wayland reconoce que GM está utilizando el cierre de plantas para exigir "prácticas de empleo no tradicionales" a los trabajadores, incluido más mano de obra temporal y contratada.

Trump cancela la reunión del G20 con Putin en medio de crecientes tensiones

Andre Damon, 1 diciembre 2018

Estados Unidos está en un curso de conflicto no solo con Rusia, sino también con China y la Unión Europea.

La visita de Bolton a Bolsonaro: una reunión de partes estadounidense con el fascistoide presidente electo de Brasil

Bill Van Auken, 1 diciembre 2018

La administración Trump ve en el semifascista excapitán del ejército un potencial aliado estratégico en la restauración de la hegemonía imperialista estadounidense y el contrarrestar la influencia de China en Latinoamérica.

Las publicaciones del partido alemán La Izquierda denuncian las protestas en Francia

Johannes Stern, 1 diciembre 2018

En dos distintos artículos, Neues Deutschland divulga las mentiras del Gobierno francés y la policía de que la violencia en París ha sido generada por los Chalecos amarillos.

New in French

La mobilisation des grévistes, lycéens et «gilets jaunes» ébranle Macron

Francis Dubois et Alexandre Lantier, 1 décembre 2018

La montée des luttes exige une organisation des travailleurs et des jeunes indépendante des appareils syndicaux et des partis politiques à la botte de Macron.

Trump annule la réunion du G20 avec Poutine dans un contexte de tensions croissantes

Andre Damon, 1 décembre 2018

Les États-Unis sont sur la voie du conflit non seulement avec la Russie, mais aussi avec la Chine et l’Union européenne.

Allemagne : des journaux du Parti de gauche dénoncent le mouvement de protestation en France

Johannes Stern, 1 décembre 2018

[description]Dans deux articles distincts, Neues Deutschland diffuse les mensonges du gouvernement français et de la police selon lesquels les violences à Paris viennent des manifestants « Gilets jaunes ».

Près de 100 000 travailleurs des plantations du Sri Lanka à nouveau en grève pour l’augmentation des salaires

nos journalistes, 1 décembre 2018

Les syndicats des plantations sont résolus à empêcher les travailleurs des plantations d’entreprendre des actions syndicales qui pourraient déclencher des actions de masse par d’autres sections de la classe ouvrière.

À la manifestation des travailleurs d'ABI, des responsables Métallos menacent des partisans du WSWS

Laurent Lafrance, 1 décembre 2018

Entouré d'autres partisans de la bureaucratie des Métallos, Dominic Lemieux, l'adjoint du directeur des Métallos au Québec, a accosté et calomnié les sympathisants du WSWS.

Les travailleurs d’ABI en lock-out manifestent au centre-ville de Montréal

une équipe de reporters du WSWS, 1 décembre 2018

Les Métallos ont systématiquement isolé la lutte des travailleurs en lock-out d’ABI, tout en signalant leur volonté d'imposer des concessions et des suppressions d'emplois.

Un tribunal de Colombo maintient en détention le chef de la défense sri-lankaise pour crimes durant la guerre civile

Rohantha De Silva, 1 décembre 2018

Le magistrat du tribunal a déclaré que le chef militaire devait se voir refuser la libération sous caution parce qu’il pouvait influencer les témoins ou perturber les enquêtes en cours sur l’enlèvement de jeunes Tamouls.

New in German

Merkel stellt sich hinter ukrainische Provokationen gegen Russland

Peter Schwarz, 1. Dezember 2018

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat Russland auf dem Deutsch-Ukrainischen Wirtschaftsforum scharf angegriffen und erklärt, der gegenwärtige Konflikt gehe „voll auf die Kosten des russischen Präsidenten“.

Razzia bei der Deutschen Bank

Johannes Stern, 1. Dezember 2018

Am Donnerstag und Freitag durchsuchten etwa 170 Beamte der Staatsanwaltschaft, des Bundeskriminalamts, der Steuerfahndung und der Bundespolizei die Zentrale der Deutschen Bank in Frankfurt.

Supermarktkette Real: Tausende streiken gegen Lohnsenkungen und Verkauf

Dietmar Henning, 1. Dezember 2018

Vielen der aktuell 34.000 Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter droht, dass sie den Verkauf von real mit ihrem Arbeitsplatz bezahlen.

Nach den Zwischenwahlen
Rechtes Führungstrio der US-Demokraten im Kongress wiedergewählt

Patrick Martin, 1. Dezember 2018

Die Fraktion der Demokaten im Repräsentantenhaus hat das gleiche Führungsteam wiedergewählt, das mit dem Krieg der Bush-Regierung im Irak und der Bankenrettung der Obama-Regierung konform ging.

Soziale Krise in den USA: Die Lebenserwartung sinkt

Trévon Austin, 1. Dezember 2018

Noch niemals seit dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs mit der Spanischen Grippewelle im Jahr 1918 ist die Lebenserwartung in den USA so lange in Folge zurückgegangen wie heute.

New in Russian

Провокация Украины в Азовском море

Клара Вайс и Андре Деймон, 30 ноября 2018 г.

Украинские военные при поддержке высокопоставленных фигур американского государства спровоцировали крупнейший международный кризис в преддверии саммита G20 на этой неделе.

New in Norwegian

«Alle – Ford, Chrysler, GM – må gå ut i streik, med en gang»Bilproduksjonsarbeideres raseri vokser over nedleggingen av GM-fabrikkanlegg

Jerry White, 29. november 2018

GM-arbeidere på de truede fabrikkanleggene i Lordstown, Ohio og Detroit-Hamtramck og andre produksjonsarbeidere uttalte seg mot nedleggelsen av fem fabrikker i USA og Canada.

Ukrainas provokasjoner i Azovhavet

Clara Weiss og Andre Damon, 29. november 2018

Det ukrainske militæret, med støtte fra høyt plasserte individer i USA, har bygd opp under en stor internasjonal krise foran denne ukas G20-toppmøte.

USA signaliserer betingelsesløs støtte til det saudiske regimet mens Senatet stemmer over Jemen-krigen

Bill Van Auken, 29. november 2018

Etter vitnesbyrd fra utenriks- og forsvarsministrene stemte Senatet for å fremme en resolusjon som krever en slutt på amerikansk støtte til den saudi-ledede krigen i Jemen.

New York Times: Vår forbrytelse var å fortelle sannheten

Andre Damon, 29. november 2018

Times og Washington Post argumenterer for at ved publiseringen av sann informasjon om politisk korrupsjon begikk den amerikanske pressen det som utgjør forræderi.

Etter Trumps bruk av tåregass mot innvandrerbarn
Sanders erklærer at karavanemedlemmer mangler «troverdig» krav på asyl

Barry Grey, 29. november 2018

Spurt om han mente innvandrerne som flykter fra fattigdom og vold i Mellom-Amerika «alle har et troverdig krav på asyl», sa senatoren: «Nei, det gjør jeg ikke.»

New in Turkish

Macron’un Sarı Yelek protestolarını bastırma manevralarına karşı çıkın!

Alex Lantier, 29 Kasım 2018

Pazar günü Paris’teki protestonun şiddetle bastırılmasına rağmen, Sarı Yelek protestoları devam ediyor ve Avrupa çapında gelişen birçok grev hareketi ile ittifak kuruyor.

Rusya, Ukrayna Donanması’nın gemilerine ateş açıp el koydu

Clara Weiss, 29 Kasım 2018

Ukrayna yönetiminin pervasız provokasyonlarına yönelik emperyalist desteğin arkasında, Karadeniz bölgesi üzerinde denetim sağlama uğruna uzun vadeli stratejik çıkarlar yatmaktadır.

New in Dutch

Nederland: 10.000 protesteren tegen pro-zakelijk overheidsbeleid

Harm Zonderland, 17 november 2018

Op zaterdag 10 november protesteerden 10.000 mensen tegen het pro-zakelijke beleid van de liberaal-conservatieve regering van premier Mark Rutte (VVD), die nu één jaar aan de macht is. De regering heeft al de vennootschapsbelasting verlaagd, en is van plan om de belastingen te verhogen op basisbehoeften, zoals voedingsmiddelen en medicijnen.

Other Languages


One million dead from suicide, drug overdoses since 2007
Casualties of the social counterrevolution in America

1 December 2018

The “mortality crisis” is the product of policies of social counterrevolution carried out by both the Democrats and Republicans in collaboration with the trade unions.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Commitee of the Fourth International

Attentive audience at David North’s Sydney launch of The Heritage We Defend

By our reporter, 1 December 2018

David North explained the relevance of the history of the Fourth International for today’s worldwide eruption of struggles by the working class and young people.

Meetings in Australia and New Zealand to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

The meetings will take place in Sydney on Sunday, December 2, in Melbourne on Thursday, December 6, and in Wellington, New Zealand on Sunday, December 9.

The fight against mass layoffs at GM

Attend the December 9 meeting in Detroit to oppose the GM plant closures!

1 December 2018

GM’s planned closure of five plants in the US and Canada would be a death sentence for Detroit, Youngstown, and Oshawa, Ontario. But workers are organizing a fight back.

Industry publication boasts: GM plant closures aimed at extorting more concessions from autoworkers

By Jerry White, 30 November 2018

“Everybody—Ford, Chrysler, GM—needs to strike right now”
Autoworkers’ outrage grows over GM plant closings

General Motors worker on job cuts: “This is all about corporate greed”
Detroit-Hamtramck autoworkers want to fight against plant closures

A call to action to fight the GM plant closings and mass layoffs

Form rank-and-file committees
Reject the UAW-Lear sellout contract! Unite with GM and other autoworkers in a common fight!

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 28 November 2018

In run-up to contract vote
UAW intensifies campaign of intimidation against Indiana Lear workers

UAW negotiates secret deal with Columbia University to block strike action by graduate students

By Alexander Fangmann, 26 November 2018

More on autoworkers issues »

Arts Review

I object—Ian Hislop’s search for dissent: An exhibition that eradicates socialist ideas and revolutionary action
At the British Museum, London

By Paul Mitchell, 1 December 2018

Would-be satirist Ian Hislop had access to one of the world’s most magnificent collections, in the British Museum, but ends up producing an exercise in political, social and artistic emptiness.

Green Book and At Eternity’s Gate: Overcoming racism and painter Vincent van Gogh’s final years

By Joanne Laurier, 29 November 2018

Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci dies at 77

By Richard Phillips and David Walsh, 28 November 2018

The Ballad of Buster Scruggs: Only a fool “expects better” from humanity

By David Walsh, 26 November 2018

Leonard Bernstein’s operetta Candide at the University of Michigan


Last light for the Kepler space telescope

By Bryan Dyne, 1 December 2018

The first and most productive space telescope designed to find planets beyond our Solar System has been retired after exhausting its fuel supply.

NASA InSight mission successfully lands on Mars

By Bryan Dyne, 28 November 2018

The Campaign to Free Julian Assange

SEP meeting and livestream on December 16: What next in the fight to free Julian Assange?

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 28 November 2018

The meeting will discuss the Socialist Equality Party’s political perspective to mobilise and lead the defence of Julian Assange.

Guardian newspaper spearheads new accusations against Assange and WikiLeaks

By James Cogan, 28 November 2018


Democrats re-elect a right-wing leadership

By Patrick Martin, 30 November 2018

The US mortality crisis: CDC reports extraordinary drop in life expectancy

By Trévon Austin, 30 November 2018

Colombo court detains Sri Lankan defence chief over civil war crimes

By Rohantha De Silva, 30 November 2018

Left Party publications denounce protest movement in France

By Johannes Stern, 30 November 2018

Rejecting Macron’s speech, fuel tax protesters call new demonstrations in France

Slanders depicting “Yellow Vest” protesters as violent neo-fascists collapse

Bolton visits Bolsonaro: a US meeting of the minds with Brazil’s fascistic president-elect

By Bill Van Auken, 30 November 2018

Faculty protest hits NYU’s coverup for UAE in Matthew Hedges case

By Josh Varlin, 30 November 2018

Thousands forced to flee “catastrophic” fire event in Australia

By Mike Head, 30 November 2018

New York Times: Our crime was telling the truth

By Andre Damon, 29 November 2018

US airstrikes kill at least 30 civilians in Afghanistan

By Oscar Grenfell, 29 November 2018

US administration signals unconditional backing for Saudi regime as Senate votes on Yemen war

By Bill Van Auken, 29 November 2018

From the Nazis to the AfD: Big business finances the far-right

Plead for charity or die: A blunt message from the American health care system

Workers Struggles

India: Contract health workers remain on strike in Bihar; South Australian teachers strike over pay and conditions
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

1 December 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK: Cammell Laird shipyard workers strike against redundancies, Iran sugar and steel strike continues against pay arrears, South Africa’s Sibanye gold miners reject company/union pay deal
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

1 December 2018

Workers at Cammell Laird shipyard in Birkenhead, England have launched a series of strikes over redundancies while workers at the Tappeh Sugar Cane mill in Iran are continuing a walkout and gold miners in South Africa are continuing a series of job actions marked by employer violence.

Around 100,000 Sri Lankan plantation workers walk out again for pay rise

By our correspondents, 30 November 2018

‬Greyhound axes bus service across Western Canada

By Penny Smith, 29 November 2018

Trudeau government illegalizes Canada Post strike

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 27 November 2018

Canada Post workers need socialist strategy to defy and defeat Liberals’ back-to-work law

California Wildfires

Rainstorm ends California wildfires, but threatens to cause flash flooding

By Evan Blake, 23 November 2018

Photo Essay: The social cost of the Camp Fire

Refugees from Paradise

The WSWS spoke to some of the thousands who lost everything in the Camp Fire disaster in northern California. Many blame energy monopoly PG&E.;

The fire in Paradise, California: From natural disaster to social catastrophe

25 years ago: Belgium rocked by general strike

The biggest general strike in Belgium since 1936 paralyzed the country on Friday, November 27. as a wave of workers’ struggles continues throughout western Europe.

More »

50 years ago: Romania’s Ceausescu opposes “Brezhnev Doctrine”

The policy had already been put into action with the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia in August.

More »

75 years ago: Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt meet at Tehran

The Soviet dictator and the leaders of British and American imperialism were gathering to begin discussions on the geo-strategic relations that would be established in the aftermath of the Second World War.

More »


100 years ago: Admiral Kolchak’s troops begin westward drive against Bolsheviks

On November 29, 1918, the 1st corps of the Siberian Army, the largest military group of the counterrevolutionary Provisional All-Russian Government, began its advance towards Perm in the Urals, a center of arms manufacture and coal production.

More »

Mehring Books

Mehring Books launches holiday sale
Most titles 10 to 50 percent off!

By Mehring Books, 23 November 2018

Our annual holiday sale is a great opportunity to introduce friends to socialism and to expand your Marxist library.

David North in conversation with Nick Beams
Book launch of The Heritage We Defend in Sydney, Australia

Why are they back?
New title from Mehring Books explains resurgence of fascism in Germany

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Canada) to hold Montreal meeting on “Leon Trotsky, the Lessons of History, and the Struggle for Socialism Today”

24 November 2018

The SEP (Canada) is holding a meeting in Montreal on Wednesday, November 28, as part of events worldwide to mark 80 Years of the Fourth International.

Indian Trotskyists celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International

SEP (Sri Lanka) holds successful public meeting on political crisis

By our correspondents, 22 November 2018

SEP (Sri Lanka) to hold lecture on “Lessons of History and the Fight for Socialism Today”

SEP (Sri Lanka) to hold meetings on the socialist solution to the political crisis

The political crisis in Sri Lanka: Its lessons for the international working class

New In Arabic

Arabic translation of “Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today”

We are publishing here the Arabic translation of a lecture delivered by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board chairman, David North in Colombo to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International and the 50th anniversary of the Socialist Equality Party in Sri Lanka.


The centenary of the “Spanish Flu”—Lessons for today
Part two

By Benjamin Mateus, 20 November 2018

This is the second part of a two-part series. The first part was posted on November 19.

The centenary of the “Spanish Flu”—Lessons for today
Part one of a two-part series

History of the Fourth International

“Eighty Years of the Fourth International” series continues with meetings in California and Oregon

By our reporters, 17 November 2018

Taking place in the backdrop of the rising death toll from the California fires and the rise of the far-right, the meetings attracted broad audiences of youth, students and workers across the West Coast.

Growing interest in socialism at Chicago meeting on 80th anniversary of Fourth International

By the IYSSE at University of Illinois at Chicago, 14 November 2018

David North lecture tour
Nearly 100 attend meeting in New York City on the 80th anniversary of the Fourth International

David North lecture tour
More than 100 attend meeting at MIT on anniversary of the Fourth International

David North begins US speaking tour in Michigan to mark 80 years of the Fourth International

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

By David North, 9 October 2018

Large Colombo audience hears David North’s lecture on the history of the Fourth International

On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 September 2018

Security and the Fourth International

The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation

By Eric London, 14 November 2018

This is the text and audio of a lecture delivered by Eric London in Detroit, Michigan reviewing the monumental investigation conducted by the International Committee of the Fourth International titled Security and the Fourth International, which exposed the infiltration of the movement by agents of the FBI and Stalinist GPU.

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Significant vote for SEP candidate Niles Niemuth in Michigan’s 12th district

By our reporters, 8 November 2018

Final campaign meeting for Niles Niemuth reviews experiences from campaigning

By our reporters, 7 November 2018

Vote Niles Niemuth, Socialist Equality Party, for US House of Representatives in Michigan’s 12th district!

Democratic Party mailer removes SEP candidate Niles Niemuth from sample ballot

Campaign website »

Socialist Equality Party (Australia)

Watch: Two Hundred Years Since the Birth of Karl Marx

By Nick Beams, 31 October 2018

Nick Beams delivers successful lectures on the contemporary relevance of Karl Marx at Australian universities

By our reporters, 31 October 2018


World vertebrate populations have fallen 60 percent since 1970

By Bryan Dyne, 1 November 2018

The latest Living Planet Report demonstrates the far-reaching implications of human activity on both the climate and the degradation of the natural environment.

Book review

DSA covers for unions and Democrats in new book on walkout by West Virginia teachers
55 Strong, Inside the West Virginia Teachers’ Strike

By Nancy Hanover, 18 October 2018

A new book promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is centered on the lie that the West Virginia teachers’ strike, which set off the series of strikes nationally last spring, was a “victory” in which the unions played a heroic role.

International Committee of the Fourth International

Resolution of the SEP (US) Fifth National Congress
The Resurgence of Class Struggle and the Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

8 August 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Socialist Equality Party Congress, held from July 22–27, 2018.

Opening report to the Fifth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US)

By David North, 4 August 2018

The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
The lessons of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party’s Great Betrayal

By Rohantha De Silva and Vilani Peiris, 24 September 2018


Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

Security and the Fourth International

An “Exemplary Comrade”: The Socialist Workers Party’s 40-year-long cover-up of Stalinist spy Sylvia Callen: Part one

By Eric London, 14 August 2018

This is the first part in a four-part series examining the cover-up by the Socialist Workers Party beginning in 1947 of information exposing the role of Sylvia Callen, the personal secretary of long-time party leader James P. Cannon, as a Stalinist agent.

Part two | Part three | Part four

Seventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018

On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.

Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.