On the18th October 2018, The Global Compact Network Tanzania brought together 100 leaders from business with representatives from government, the UN, Civil society and academia to highlight private sector commitment on responsible business practices and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its first Annual General Meeting which followed by election of board of directors. Under theme “Thought Leadership on “Tanzanian Businesses practices towards a sustainable corporate investment.
UNDP is committed to the safeguarding of Tanzania’s forests and the ecosystem services they provide, while also promoting development for the communities living in and around the forests. This article is the result of a week-long visit to 3 of the 12 Nature Forest Reserves which UNDP supports along with GEF, working hand in hand with the Tanzania Forest Services Agency (TFS) and with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. The purpose of the visit was to gain deeper insight into the impact and challenges of UNDPs projects, through meetings with the local authorities, beneficiaries and communities.
In June 2018, UNDP fielded a mission to three villages where upscaling efforts are currently taking place – Kurio and Chinangali in Dodoma Region, and Ulyampiti in Singida Region – to see what progress has been made so far and challenges the people in the villages are facing.
On the 18th of October 2018 UNDP Tanzania country office participated in the launching of tourism strategic framework for Same district in Kilimanjaro region. The plan has integrated environmental conservation measures for Mkomazi National Park and the Chome Nature Forest Reserve as one of the key component for tourism attraction in the district
The Strategic Plan sets out a vision for the evolution of UNDP over the next four years.
In beginning of June, UNDP launched its 2017 Annual Report. Read about our how our new strategic plan will contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and our results last year.
The Strategic Plan sets out a vision for the evolution of UNDP over the next four years.

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