For Karima, one of the happiest moments of her life was when she earned her first thousand Afghani (US$ 15), when she sold a kilo of honey made from her own bee-keeping business. It may seem like a small amount, but for Karima it was life changing!
In small forest near Guldara district of Kabul, Shakila sits on a rock to rest after collecting wood for her cookstove. Her eyes water and she finds it hard to breathe, and a fit of coughing overcomes her.
All life on Earth depends on water. For those who grow crops to live, however, it is especially important. After decades of war, Afghanistan’s economy, and the lives of many of its people depend on agriculture.
Insecurity is still the biggest problem facing the Afghan government. Over the years, Afghanistan has been building up its security forces, including an efficient national police force. It’s an arduous task.
Twenty-eight-year-old Muhibullah is a tuberculosis (TB) survivor who has become a health worker after being cured of the illness. He has made it his mission to help other patients, and raise awareness among his community about the disease.
During the trip, Napoleon Navarro, UNDP’s Senior Deputy Country Director visited several irrigation projects. “Our people are always grateful. They will appreciate and remember if people take even the smallest obstacle from our path, or lay just one stone to rebuild our country.” a villager told Napoleon..
Two years ago, Usman Noorzai was standing in his village of Shade Bara when he heard a rumbling sound. “We looked up, and saw tremendous flood waters coming down from the mountains. We were fixated with fear.”

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