Under cloudless Canberra sky, thousands flock to fun run

Under cloudless Canberra sky, thousands flock to fun run

A light early frost gave way to a perfect, cloudless morning as more than 4000 residents and visitors laced their boots and gathered by Lake Burley-Griffin for the 43rd Canberra Times fun run, powered by Salesforce, on Sunday morning.

At the finish line, volunteers prepared about 5000 recyclable cups while runners set off at the start line for the big 10km run.

About 4000 people took part in Sunday's fun run.

About 4000 people took part in Sunday's fun run.Credit:Dion Georgopoulos

As they began crossing the finish line, some red-faced and sweating, there was not a frown in sight.

A wave of relief could be seen crossing the faces of many runners, though perhaps an indicator of the capital's health, many runners crossed seemingly without breaking a sweat.


Among the eye-catchers were a Spiderman and a couple of guys that looked to be wearing home-made fairy outfits, while the run even engaged several people racing while pushing relatives or friends in wheelchairs along the course.

A highlight for many this year was the new Paw Parade, an event particularly favoured by families with young children, which saw about 100 people bring their pooches for a 5km jog round the lake.

The first ever 1km race was dominated by youngsters, won by Joe Whithear from Bruce, and many of the younger runners - and a few parents too - seemed undeterred after the main race from taking to a quick sprint race afterwards on the grassy hill on Rond Terrace.


Among the runners were four-year-old Will Salter, who's 63-year-old grandmother Janet Norton-Knight, ran alongside him in the 1km race, a first-time for young Will.

Adrian and Julia Ison of Hawker also run in the race, this year with their three boys Will, 6, Oli, 5, and Sam, 3.

Ms Ison usually runs in the 10km, but said the boys had been asking to go in a race for some time, so they thought this was a good chance.

A puffed-looking Will said he liked the race and wanted to come back to run again in 2019 for the 44th fun run.


The fun run, this year encouraging donations to the Heart Foundation, had raised more than $8000 by the end of the event, a figure expected to continue rising over the next month as more donations come in.

A full list of results for all events across the weekend can be found on The Canberra Times Fun Run website at canberratimesfunrun.com.au

Daniel Burdon is a reporter for The Canberra Times

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