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Temperatures on track for 5-degree rise by 2100 after another hot year

Temperatures on track for 5-degree rise by 2100 after another hot year

Temperatures on track for 5-degree rise by 2100 after another hot year

This year is on course to be the fourth hottest year on record, trailing only the three previous years, as rising levels of greenhouse gases warm the planet, the World Meteorological Organisation said. 

  • by Peter Hannam

Officer stood down as investigation into Perth police shooting continues

Officer stood down as investigation into Perth police shooting continues

A police officer at the centre of an incident in which a man was fatally shot has been stood down from duty.

  • by staff writers

WA government driving assessor jailed after taking bribes to pass applicants

WA government driving assessor jailed after taking bribes to pass applicants

On one occasion, the assessor forged an applicant's signature using an example he had been provided.

  • by AAP

Roads closed, police negotiators at scene of Port Kennedy incident

Roads closed, police negotiators at scene of Port Kennedy incident

Police negotiators are currently at the scene of an incident in Port Kennedy, south of Rockingham.

  • by staff writers

More top stories

Not governing, drowning: The Coalition's self-inflicted triple-whammy

Not governing, drowning: The Coalition's self-inflicted triple-whammy

The metaphor for the Coalition's bad week was almost too literal. 

  • by Mark Kenny
Perth tree-lopper faces charges as complaints soar

Perth tree-lopper faces charges as complaints soar

A rogue tree-lopper has been charged by Consumer Protection. 

  • by staff writers
Great Barrier Reef bleaching risks rise with huge heatwave

Great Barrier Reef bleaching risks rise with huge heatwave

A record-breaking heatwave has raised concerns of a third mass bleaching. 

  • by Peter Hannam
Hot, dry summer predicted for WA as El Niño ramps up

Hot, dry summer predicted for WA as El Niño ramps up

Coastal WA may find some relief from warmer-than-usual temperatures.

  • by Cameron Myles
Trapper shot attacking bear, found it had killed his family

Trapper shot attacking bear, found it had killed his family

Gjermund Roesholt was almost home when he discovered the bodies. 

  • by Cleve R. Wootson Jr



Opinion & Perspectives


Property bydomain

Why this property is open for inspection for 48 hours

Why this property is open for inspection for 48 hours

Marketing agents for this unit development will need to be fully stocked with Red Bull and coffee when they open for an eye-wateringly long inspection.

  • by Ellen Lutton
'It’s completely unfair': The refinancing trap locking low-equity borrowers in

'It’s completely unfair': The refinancing trap locking low-equity borrowers in

Insurers are double dipping on one of the big hidden costs of buying a home, preventing home owners from switching to get a better deal.

  • by David Ross


'It's a blandfest': Samuel Johnson calls for 'more ugly people' on TV

'It's a blandfest': Samuel Johnson calls for 'more ugly people' on TV

"If you don't rock accents, have square jaws, and Liam Hemsworth's f---ing teeth, then you're gonna struggle."

  • by Robert Moran
ARIAs 2018: Nine puts the brakes on ratings slump - for now

ARIAs 2018: Nine puts the brakes on ratings slump - for now

But the awkward banter between Keith Urban and Sir Bob Geldof didn't sit well with viewers. 

  • by Broede Carmody



Smarter living

The 19-year-old prodigy that could save Australian tennis

The 19-year-old prodigy that could save Australian tennis

Alex De Minaur has already become the youngest player since Nadal to reach two consecutive semi-finals.

  • by Laura Hill
Spyro Reignited Trilogy review: a dwindling flame rekindled

Spyro Reignited Trilogy review: a dwindling flame rekindled

This incredible remaster proves the little purple dragon's first three games are worthy of remembering, even if they haven't aged flawlessly.

  • by Tim Biggs

Food bygoodfood

Travel bytraveller


Cars bydrive


Clarke won't be heard or seen, at least in Australia

Clarke won't be heard or seen, at least in Australia

Michael Clarke can still create a headline, which makes it all the more puzzling why he did not land a gig in Australia's expanded cricket media landscape.

  • by Andrew Wu & Christian Nicolussi
Australian boxing needs Horn to find his mean streak against Mundine
Jeff Horn

Australian boxing needs Horn to find his mean streak against Mundine

An upset win for the veteran would be a nightmare for Horn and a huge setback for Australian boxing.

  • by Phil Lutton

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