The Victorian election is a blow to Morrison’s hopes that ramping up fear about terrorism and immigration might save him federally.

Mag highlights

Morrison narrowly avoids defeat in parliament, but cracks in offshore detention widen

Kerryn Phelps’ attempt to pass the Urgent Medical Treatment Bill amendments has stalled in the Senate.

A mine worth killing for: Australia’s bloody war in Bougainville

Thirty years on, Tom Orsag looks at how Australia funded the PNG government’s ruthless war to crush resistance to the Panguna mine in Bougainville

Ten years since the financial crisis: Is capitalism headed for another crash?

Ten years on, the world economy has not fully recovered from the 2008 crash, writes Adam Adelpour, and levels of global debt are again at record highs


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Australia ‘steps up’ efforts to counter China in the south Pacific

November’s APEC summit in PNG saw the Australian government increase its efforts to buy influence in the Pacific, with a raft of announcements designed to counter China.

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