Will Griffin: A Soldier’s Journey to Revolution

Will Griffin: A Soldier’s Journey to Revolution

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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by Will Griffin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Peace Report, Oct. 21, 2019
October 23, 2019

I recently interviewed an Afghanistan veteran about his transition from US Army soldier to Revolutionary Communist. Mason Bliss deployed twice to Afghanistan, in 2011 and in 2013. Since separating from the US Army in 2015, he has been organizing as a communist, raising the consciousness of the masses and fighting back against the system he once defended, US imperialism.

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David Swanson and Jeffrey Sterling: What Was the Purpose of Operation Merlin? + Join the CIA: Travel the World Passing Out Nuclear Blueprints

Wikileaks _DDC1941

Image by thierry ehrmann via Flickr

by David Swanson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Let’s Try Democracy
October 18, 2019

Jeffrey Sterling is a former CIA case officer who was convicted of violating the Espionage Act and was in federal prison in Colorado. Prior to this program, as far as we know, Sterling had not been asked whether he believes the stated purpose of the program he worked on. Does he really think the purpose of giving obviously flawed nuclear bomb-part plans to Iran was to slow down a nuclear weapons program that may not even have existed? Or does he believe the purpose was to plant evidence on the government of Iran? Listen to his answer.

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Uncle Sam was Born Lethal by Paul Street

Trail of Tears

Image by kingary via Flickr

by Paul Street
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Official Website of Paul Street, Sept. 1, 2019
September 16, 2019

“For revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival.”

– Frederick Douglass, July 4, 1852

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Chris Hedges: How The Capitalist State Uses Fear To Maintain Control

Why Is War A Permanent Feature of Capitalism?

Image by Zhu via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Sep 7, 2019

Host Chris Hedges talks to Dr. Charles Derber about how the capitalist state uses fear bolstered by racism as a tool to control the people, and through their efforts to abolish civil liberties, crush dissent and extinguish democratic space. Derber is the author of a new book, Moving Beyond Fear: Upending the Security Tales in Capitalism, Fascism and Democracy, with Yale R. Magrass.

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Chris Hedges: It’s Not Journalism

Donald Trump, Loretto street art

Image by duncan c via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Aug 30, 2019

A transcript of a town hall style meeting at the New York Times has revealed that the newspaper created a special news desk to spend two years covering the Mueller investigation. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and former Times’ Middle East bureau chief Chris Hedges, host of RT America’s On Contact, discusses the state of journalism in America.

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Chris Hedges and Danny Haiphong: Myths of American Exceptionalism

American Dream

Image by Lady Madonna via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges and Danny Haiphong

RT America on Aug 31, 2019

Host Chris Hedges talks with journalist Danny Haiphong about how the myths of American meritocracy and individualism are used to legitimize the accumulation of inherited wealth by the ruling elite class. Haiphong’s new book with Roberto Sirvent, American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News – From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror.

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The Rise of America’s Fascist Paramilitaries by Rainer Shea

The Mother Of All Rallies Was Not 21

Image by Stephen Melkisethian via Flickr

by Rainer Shea
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, Jul. 16, 2019
August 14, 2019

In a fascist shift, the state always forms a paramilitary group so that political violence can be carried out without the government being held accountable. It’s predictable that when this process started to happen in America, our version of Hitler’s Brownshirts and Mussolini’s Blackshirts would originate from America’s instruments of imperialism.

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Chris Hedges and George Galloway: The State of Politics in the UK and USA

Chris Hedges and George Galloway: The State of Politics in the UK and USA

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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Dandelion Salad

with Chris Hedges

RT America on Jul 13, 2019

Chris Hedges discusses with George Galloway, former UK Member of Parliament, the state of politics in the UK and USA, racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism.

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Aviva Chomsky: Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps?

Aviva Chomsky: Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps?

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
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Dandelion Salad

TheRealNews on Jun 23, 2019

Aviva Chomsky discusses the reality of refugees coming to the U.S in light of the controversial statement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that refugees are kept in concentration camps.

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Chris Hedges: The Radical Transformation of Jackson, MS

Chris Hedges: The Radical Transformation of Jackson, Mississippi

Screenshot by Dandelion Salad via Flickr
Watch the video below

Dandelion Salad
Originally posted March 4, 2018; updated below

“Self-determination is not possible within the capitalist social framework, because the endless pursuit of profits that drives this system only empowers private ownership and the individual appropriation of wealth by design. The end result of this system is massive inequality and inequity.” — Kali Akuno, Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi

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Plutocracy V: Subterranean Fire (must-see)

Diego Rivera mural at the Detroit Institute of Arts

Image by Inhabitat via Flickr

Dandelion Salad

“If you think by hanging us you can stamp out the labor movement … the movement from which the down-trodden millions, the millions who toil in want and misery, expect salvation — if this is your opinion, then hang us!

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Exceptionally Innocent by David Swanson

American Exceptionalism Exceptions

Image by Jagz Mario via Flickr

by David Swanson
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Let’s Try Democracy
May 3, 2019

Go right now and get yourself and the nearest house with a flag in front of it a copy of Roberto Sirvent’s and Danny Haiphong’s American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People’s History of Fake News — From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror.

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Glen Ford: History of Black Radicalism, Social Justice, and Antiwar

no justice no peace die-in

Image by hollow sidewalks via Flickr

by Will Griffin
Writer, Dandelion Salad
The Peace Report
April 16, 2019

The Peace Report on Apr 8, 2019

Glen Ford from Black Agenda Report was the keynote speaker at the No Compromise No Retreat campaign launch event organized by Black Alliance For Peace.

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Greg Palast: Koch Brothers Behind US Coup In Venezuela

US Hands Off Venezuela Protest Gather58.LafayettePark.WDC.16March2019

Image by Elvert Barnes via Flickr

with Greg Palast
Writer, Dandelion Salad
Greg Palast’s website
March 27, 2019

RT America on Mar 26, 2019

For more on the role oil plays as well as the racial dynamic of the US attempt at a coup in Venezuela, we turn to investigative journalist Greg Palast. He discusses the latest developments with RT America’s Manila Chan.

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