
Reviews are the result of an action, the action of reviewing. To review is to view again, examine or study again, look back on, take a retrospective view, give critical evaluation, pause and reflect, think. Here we review books, struggles, texts, images, and more.


Robert Ovetz Review of Chris Carlsson, Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today, AK Press: Oakland, 2008, 278 pp.

Massimo De Angelis: There is no Alternative versus There are Many Alternatives. A review of Jai Sen, Anita Anand, Arturo Escobar and Peter Waterman (eds.) 2004. World Social Forum. Challenging Empires New Delhi: The Viveka Foundation. 402 pp. (London distribution: Global Book Marketing).

International debate on John Holloway’s book, Change the World without Taking Power

Peter Waterman: The Excessively Post-Communist Manifesto of George Monbiot

Peter Waterman: The International Labour Movement Between Geneva, Brussels, Seattle/Porto Alegre and…Utopia?

Cyril Smith: On`Anti-Leninism is not enough’. A review of What is to be done? Leninism, Anti-Leninist Marxism and the question of revolution today. Edited by Werner Bonefeld and Sergio Tischler. Ashgate, 2002.

Werner Bonefeld: A Note on Cyril Smith. One of the editors of What is to be done? Leninism, Anti-Leninist Marxism and the question of revolution today replies to one reviewer

John Holloway: Time to revolt. Reflections on Empire

Cyril Smith: Review of Change the World without Taking Power by John Holloway

Richard Barbrook: Review of The Napsterisation of Everything: a review of John Alderman, Sonic Boom: Napster, P2P and the battle for the future of music, Fourth Estate, London 2001

Gender and Globalization: Where, Now, are the Women, the Feminists…and the Movement? Peter Waterman reviews ‘Globalisation and Gender’, Signs, Vol. 26, No. 4, Summer 2001. Special Issue.

How to Successfully Take Exams… and Partially Remake the World? Peter Waterman reviews Bertell Ollman’s latest book.

In the first of two parts article, Boris Kagarlitsky tells the story of Prague 2000: the People’s Battle. In the second part, Lessons of Prague, he discusses the issues of violence, media, and the need for the movements to pull energies together for a positive agenda.

Peter Waterman offers sixteen propositions on International Labour Networking

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