#TweetHour recap: How to produce engaging video

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

June 27, 2017

Video is a central piece of what's happening on Twitter. Read on to learn how your business can produce engaging video or check out our latest research on Twitter Video.

When embarking on creating a video for the first time, figuring out where to begin can be a challenge. Video format, length, and content are all key components that must be thought out before filming. 

We chatted with @wistia to find out how to produce engaging video that captures audiences. See the conversation:

Why would a business want to invest in video? 


What’s the best format for engaging video?


How can a business produce engaging video with a low budget? 


What content should a business share on video? 



Where can businesses draw inspiration from?



What elements are a must to include in a video? 


What’s important to consider when planning a distribution strategy? 


Any final tips for businesses embarking on video production? 

What are your best video tips? Share them with us @TwitterBusiness.


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