Q&A: Justworks' Social Media Manager shares tips on creating a B2B social strategy

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

February 14, 2018

How can a B2B brand share their story in a relevant and impactful way? 

One B2B brand that stands out with their engaging organic and paid content is Justworks. We chatted with the Social Media Manager at @JustworksHR to learn more about their Twitter strategy.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I'm Jessica Zambelli, the Social Media Manager at Justworks. I run all of our social media accounts — from advertising and metrics reporting, to strategy and copywriting. 

Tell us a bit about Justworks.

Justworks is on a mission to give entrepreneurs and their teams the support and peace of mind to work fearlessly. We level the playing field for small businesses and start-ups with seamless payroll, HR support, and access to high quality, affordable benefits, all on one easy-to-use platform.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

A big portion is connecting with our larger marketing team to make sure that all campaigns, events, small business related news, and company milestones are shared on social. Also, keeping track of daily social trends is key — ensuring that we’re posting of-the-moment content that adds value for our audience and customers.

How does Twitter fit into your marketing mix?

Twitter would be nominated for the 'Best Supporting Role' category. I try to make sure that any efforts put forth from our marketing team are represented in our feed — whether that’s visuals of our advertising campaigns, live Tweeting from our events, or highlighting some of our amazing blog content focused on helping the small business community.

What are a few Tweet examples that you think really capture the brand? 

Here are a few of my favorites that we've seen great engagement on. 

We’re really proud of our 24/7 Customer Support and created city-specific posts that would resonate with our customers in a few key cities.

We’re a startup that prides itself on high employee happiness, which usually means great perks. One of our favorites? Having a dog-friendly work environment.

We use our Tweet chat, #JustChat to connect with influencers in our community about specific topics. For example, our last #JustChat was all about Product Design.

We always try to tap into trending topics on Twitter, especially those that have an impact on the small business and startup community. Our CEO, Isaac Oates (@ioates) wrote a thoughtful piece on this topic on#netneutrality, which we of course shared on the brand’s account.

You all do a great job of showcasing your brand story by sharing behind-the-scenes content and Retweeting your employees. How do you encourage your team to Tweet?

I’m a huge proponent of posting about your place of work only if you want to; I find that mentality fosters authenticity. That being said, I train all our new hires on how they can best promote Justworks if interested, and send a weekly aggregated email to our sales team on what to post, suggested hashtags, and images that will work best for engagement.

How do you use Twitter Ads to amplify your marketing efforts?

We try to support all of our big content and advertising campaigns with Twitter Ads. Our Twitter Ads campaigns are focused on building awareness of company launches, relevant industry insight, and other brand initiatives we have going on.

How do you plan and create Twitter Ads that will resonate with your target audience?

We are always testing and optimizing our ads. Here are a few things we focus on:

  • Testing different hashtags in the copy. We test city-specific hashtags vs. industry-related.
  • Experiment using GIFs and video.
  • Focus on using images created for social rather than just repurposed from other parts of the site.

What results have you seen with Twitter Ads?

We've found that Twitter Ads work really well for follower growth and engagement. We put a lot of thought into who we’re targeting with our ads (age, interest, location, etc.) which pays off in the outcome.

What’s something you’ve tested on Twitter recently that you’re proud of?

 I think it’s super important to recognize the need for diverse imagery when it comes to social vs. blogs, ads, etc. We have invested in ads that have unique social photography rather than using stock photography, this has provided us with a much more engaged audience.

Any final tips for brands on Twitter?

Have fun, be authentic, stay current with what’s trending and what people are talking about, and most importantly...use as little stock photography as possible!

Know a brand doing interesting things on Twitter? Tweet us @TwitterBusiness.

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