5 ways to handle Tweeting during the holiday season

Nick Reese

By Nick Reese

November 21, 2018
Laptop, notebook and a cup of coffee in girl's hands sitting on white carpet.

Get ready to get busy.

Between wrapping up Q4 campaigns, the winter festivities, and New Year’s Eve, the last two months of the calendar are loaded with major events. And if there’s one thing that’s good for, it’s content. While it can sometimes be a struggle to come up with ideas to post about on any given week, the end of the year is filled with built-in inspiration.

But while the holidays provide plenty of fodder for Tweets, you’ll also likely want to take some time off to celebrate them yourself. So how can you have a 24/7 brand without being glued to Twitter 24/7? Here are a few things you can do to make Twitter more manageable over the holidays.

Build a content calendar

A content calendar is a smart idea any time of year since it can take the pressure off of having a great idea every single time you Tweet. But during the holiday season, a content calendar is crucial. Take a day to brainstorm topics and create the majority of your content for the rest of the year, and then assign the content to specific days and times. You don’t have to write all your Tweets in advance, but even writing a portion now will take the pressure off to Tweet when you have other things you need to do.

Schedule your content

People are on Twitter at all times, not just during your work hours. By scheduling Tweets for the weekend and on holidays, you can reach people when they are in line for Santa, at the dinner table with Grandma, or right after the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. Depending on your business and your customers, you may wish to keep up the same daily cadence or reduce your volume of Tweets to just a few so your audience doesn’t forget you.

Train others to Tweet

The holidays are your chance to get other members of your team to join in the fun. Train up others on both your content strategy and specific details on how to Tweet and manage your ad campaigns. Don’t just give it to the intern — anyone from the CEO or a manager down to front-line staff can be empowered to Tweet. Who knows, they might discover a hidden talent!

Tweak your content

There are a million ways to boost engagement on Twitter. But while this may sound counterintuitive, there are times when you might not want user engagement, such as the company's holiday party or when you’re opening presents. When scheduling Tweets, avoid content that might require interaction, such as open-ended questions or polls.

Schedule your Tweeting

If you use Twitter for customer service, you can let your users know if you’re available to help by sharing your available hours in your bio and as a pinned Tweet. In addition, you can begin each shift by letting people know you are available to help and end each shift with a Tweet telling people what time you’ll be back tomorrow. This can help avoid customers getting frustrated when they Tweet out an issue and you don’t respond immediately.

Additional reading:


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