3 ways brands can harness video on Twitter

 Allie Herzog

By Allie Herzog

June 07, 2017

Video is a central piece of what's happening on Twitter. Read on to learn how your brand can leverage video or check out our latest research on Twitter Video.

It’s hard to open your phone or tablet without seeing video content in some form. Whether it’s a GIF, short highlight clip, or live broadcast, video is the most popular form of content today. And, it’s predicted to be the fastest-growing content type on mobile and desktop through at least 2020*.

How can your brand leverage video? The answer is easier than you might think. Today we're sharing three ways to integrate video into your content mix, all without fancy equipment or a huge time commitment. 


Offer your audience valuable and highly sharable video content in the form of a simple tutorial such as a how-to, demonstration, or recipe instruction. Use a series of GIFs, overlay text, or add narration to further enhance the experience.

@Food52 shows viewers how to make danishes at home through GIFs.

Tell a story

Video is a powerful storytelling tool. Using music, text, and basic editing, brands can tell impactful and memorable stories in just a minute or two, leaving a lasting impression in the minds of viewers.

@SELFmagazine tells the story of a mom and certified personal trainer through a short video.

Go live

Periscope allows people to broadcast live from any location. Sharing live video content is great for highlighting authentic video with your audience, and for giving viewers a peak "behind the curtain.” Periscope 360 gives viewers a fully immersive experience where they can change their viewpoint and explore the surrounding area of the live broadcast on their own. 

Whether broadcasting from a unique destination that viewers will want to explore, or from a VIP event where you’re their only access point, livestreaming offers one of the most intimate connections possible between brand and audience. 

 @Airbnb uses Periscope 360 to share a local house tour of a property in Kauai, Hawaii.

With the ability to go live or upload a video directly from Twitter’s mobile app, video has never been easier to create or share. All you need is your smartphone or tablet to get started. Take your content to the next level and start integrating video into your content strategy today.

Got a great video to share with us? Tweet us at @TwitterBusiness.

 * eMarketer report, “Q1 2016 Digital Video Trends: Monetization, Audience, Platforms and Content”

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