How to promote your Twitter chat

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

August 21, 2017

Twitter is the place to join conversations around specific interests or topics. For brands and businesses, Twitter chats are an excellent marketing tactic to bring these people together, engage with their community, and attract new followers.  

Chances are you've seen or participated in a chat event on Twitter before. But what goes into hosting a Twitter chat of your own? Certainly, a lot of prep work to nail down the guest and topic, but it also requires a promotion strategy to get people excited to attend. 

That's why we're sharing a few ways you can promote your Twitter chat for maximum exposure. 


Tweeting about your Twitter chat once isn't enough. Make sure to schedule in a few reminders throughout the week leading up to the day. This doesn't mean Tweeting the same announcement over and over again. Play around with the creative and copy to make each Tweet look new. 

Don't forget to mention your guests in your Tweet copy. If they Retweet you it'll help get more exposure to your event.

Pinned Tweet

The best way to promote your Twitter chat to new visitors on your profile? Simply pin it. Click on the “more” option on the Tweet you want to pin and select “Pin to your profile page.” Just don't forget to unpin when it's done. 

Create anticipation

If you're covering a hot topic or have a guest you're really excited about, drop sneak peeks a few days before the event. This can be a question that'll be asked during the chat, a special feature you're revealing, or even a fact about your guest. 

A few hours before your Twitter chat is scheduled, put out a countdown to create anticipation. GIFs are great for showcasing your excitement and adding a touch of humor.

Awareness campaign

If you want to reach even more people to let them know about your Twitter chat, launch an awareness campaign. This campaign type amplifies your message to a larger audience. You can choose from our robust targeting capabilities to make sure the right people are reached. 

Ready to get started? Create your own campaign, or take a look at our Twitter Ads basics to learn a little more.

What are your favorite Twitter chats? Let us know @TwitterBusiness.

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