Periscope tips: A conversation with @BoopFashionista

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

January 06, 2017

Periscope is a great way to give your audience a window into your daily life. For a business, Periscope can be a powerful tool to build and engage your community. There are already a number of individuals and businesses sharing creative and innovative content on Periscope.

We chatted with Rebecca Casserly (@BoopFashionista), a London-based blogger who has built a community of 60,000 followers on Periscope. Her blog, BecBoop, covers fashion, beauty, travel and lifestyle. She shared with us how she uses Periscope in her blogging strategy and her best tips to help you get started. 

Check out the conversation:

At what point in your blog strategy did you decide to use Periscope?

I started to use Periscope as soon as I first heard about the app at the time when it initially launched. At that stage, I had been blogging at BecBoop for two years and now I have been live-streaming daily on Periscope since April 2015. This coincided with the time when I moved from Ireland to London and the live-streaming platform immediately fit really well with my lifestyle and blog strategy.

How has Periscope impacted your blogging strategy?

Periscope has allowed me to build an incredibly engaged and supportive community from my broadcasts, called the #BoopTroop. I’ve also been able to engage with my community across my social channels and bring a new audience to my blog. I’m careful about the content I share with my community. They trust me so I make sure I only share relevant and inspiring content such as London Fashion week.

Brands are really taking note of the value of live-streaming and how to use this medium to work with content creators. Consequently, my blogging strategy has evolved to include event coverage and public speaking at conferences by way of Periscope.

@BoopFashionista is certainly active on Twitter! What’s your Twitter strategy for your own brand, and how does Periscope play into it?

I love Twitter! I use it as a source of information and news to share content or engage in discussions. I also find it useful for promoting my blog posts. I also participate in Twitter chats as much as I can. It’s a very valuable networking tool!

Having Periscope integrated into Twitter via #GoLive is valuable. I like to encourage my Periscope viewers to turn on live-video notifications on Twitter in order to get a push notification when I go live so they can join the broadcast.

When covering an event for a brand I will tag them or use the hashtag for maximum engagement. I love pinned Tweets and will often pin a special Periscope broadcast to my Twitter profile to make it stand out.

What are some specific ways a business might think about using Periscope to their benefit?

Businesses can make the most of Periscope for:

  • Live-coverage of events

  • Behind-the-scenes tours

  • Interviews and Q&A’s

  • Product demonstrations

Engagement is key for a successful Periscope strategy. Interaction is a huge part of Periscope and it’s important to address comments during the broadcast. This is what makes me really appreciate the raw element of live-broadcasting. You get to know the blogger or host behind the live-stream.

Another way for businesses to leverage Periscope is to work with content creators. This can be done via takeover on your business Periscope account or through the creator’s own account.

What tips would you offer to someone who’s just starting out with Periscope?

The best tip is to broadcast something you enjoy. If you enjoy sharing the content, your viewers will enjoy watching it. Make sure to engage with viewers through comments, it’s an absolute necessity and something the Periscope community really appreciates.


Ready to start broadcasting? Try out these tips for incorporating video into your content strategy. 

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