Repurposing your influencer marketing content for maximum value

Joseph Cole

By Joseph Cole

June 20, 2017
Graphic designers sitting at table and interacting

This article and expertise was originally published on TapInfluence.

You’ve heard it many times: reuse, reduce, recycle. Did you know that this piece of advice doesn’t just apply to aluminum cans and plastic water bottles?

You can repurpose your influencer marketing content to increase its value to your campaign. Think of it like a neighborhood recycling program: You’re preventing waste while putting resources back into the community — or, in this case, your company.

Repost on social media

Your influencers likely share content related to your brand on social media, but the buck doesn’t have to stop there. Just as you would toss your Dr. Pepper can into a recycling bin at work, you can repost content that your influencers have already shared with your audience.

In addition to supplying you with free content, reposting influencer content also ensures that your message reaches the broadest audience possible. Influencer campaigns often cost money, so make sure you get as much ROI as possible out of each piece of content.

Use content for advertisements

Many people recycle for altruistic reasons, but others expect to earn money for it. Scrap metal yards, for instance, will pay for aluminum cans and other metals. You can use this same philosophy to give your digital ads more meat.

According to an eMarketer report, one-fifth of respondents to a marketing study revealed that they had used influencer content in their digital ads. They might post a photograph of an influencer wearing a piece of clothing, for instance, to promote an apparel brand. Along with a well-worded pitch, this type of advertisement can easily move product.

Make sure you have permission to use the content commercially (which is usually part-and-parcel of influencer campaigns.) Additionally, target your advertisements to an audience that will recognize your influencer and therefore ascribe more meaning to the promotion. If consumers don’t know the influencer, they probably won’t feel swayed by his or her opinion.

Boost your email campaign

Influence more people with repurposed influencer content.

If you don’t use plastic products, you probably don’t recycle them, either. Similarly, some of your target audience might subscribe to your email list but never access social media. Your influencer campaign might generate more ROI if you repurpose that content for email blasts.

For instance, you could use the content for storytelling. Trigger your readers’ emotions by sharing the influencer’s story and explaining what your product or service has done to improve his or her life. You could also use it as a CTA. Get people to click on the link at the end of your email by sharing what your influencer has said.


It feels good to recycle, so why not brag about it? Every business should have testimonials on its website, and influencer testimonials often carry more weight than those written or submitted by average consumers. Make sure you include your influencers’ most glowing praise on your website with a link to the influencer’s original post.

Testimonials are even more powerful when they include photos as well as words. Since influencers often post to social media and include photographs, their content is perfect for testimonials.

Guest blogs

The best thing about recycling is that it often inspires others to do the same. Your influencer campaign generates lots of content, but it reaches a specific audience. Why not expand that audience by including the content in a guest post for an industry-related blog.

You get brand visibility, increased authority, and a link back to your website in one fell swoop. You’ll want to add more meat to the post to make it an original piece of content; alternatively, curate several posts from your influencer and provide commentary about each.


Industry events offer another opportunity to recycle — and we’re not just talking about the bags of swag you pick up from other booths. Consider prominently displaying a poster that includes a relevant influencer-generated post. Alternatively, play a video that your influencer created on a loop or add an influencer’s quote to the literature you hand out.

Get creative with your influencer campaigns. Just as recycling benefits the environment, repurposing influencer content helps get your message to more people and, when done correctly, boosts sales. Of course, building an influencer relationship must come first. 


This article was written by Joseph Cole from Business2Community and was legally licensed through the NewsCred publisher network.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of Twitter or its affiliates.

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