How to: Advanced search on Twitter

Joe Wadlington

By Joe Wadlington

October 22, 2016

With hundreds of millions of Tweets a day, Twitter offers a massive amount of exciting content. This also means you may need some extra filtering to find something specific. Enter, Twitter’s advanced search.

Advanced search offers filtering options that can help you find very specific content. You could see every Tweet from today, by someone in your city (or another location), with the phrase “what should I have for dinner?”. You could filter to see everything a particular account (maybe your competitor) Tweeted in October. You could find a Tweet by remembering a phrase in it — even if you forgot who Tweeted it. You could find all the users who have “fashionista” in their bios and so much more.

The search specifications can be layered to make an advanced search as specific and custom as possible. Here’s how:

Start by doing a simple Twitter search on the website’s top, right corner.

When you see the results, click the “More options” drop down menu, then click “Advanced search”. This will take you to the advanced search options.

What do you know about what you’re looking for? If you’re searching for a word, phrase, or hashtag used in a Tweet or bio — start with the “Words” section. If you’re focusing on specific accounts, start with the “People” filters. “Place”, “Date”, and “Other” can add more precision to your search. Start broad, then make your search terms more and more specific.

Click “Search”. You can then filter your results by the usual tabs: if it’s a popular Tweet (“Top”), a recent Tweet (“Live”), a person (“Accounts”), or if the Tweet contained media (“Photos” or “Videos”). Click “More options” again if you need to keep filtering.

Happy (advanced) searching! Have more questions? Follow @TwitterBusiness for more tips, or check out the basics on how to create a campaign.

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