Top hashtags and keywords to use for Thanksgiving 2016

Marissa Window

By Marissa Window

November 17, 2016

Using seasonal hashtags and keywords is a simple way to expand your reach, and tap into relevant conversations as they happen on Twitter. To help you create impactful Tweets, we’ve collected the top keywords and hashtags to help your business have a wonderful #Thanksgiving.


While an event hashtag like #Thanksgiving will be predictable, others like #imthankfulfor may start trending in the moment. Use these hashtags for Tweet inspiration, and keep an eye on the trends section on Twitter to identify new hashtags that are being talked about. 


#ProTip: Although it may be tempting to add a lot of hashtags to your Tweets, we recommend using no more than three hashtags per Tweet.


All things Thanksgiving will increase in popularity the closer we get to November 24th — last year there were more than 25.3 million Tweets related to #Thanksgiving.* Understanding what keywords people are using will help you think of Tweet topics and craft timely content. 

Popular topics people are Tweeting about: family, turkey, pie, recipes, cooking, friends, dinner, baking, leftovers, parades, side dishes, traditions, cranberry, healthy dishes

If you're looking to increase your reach even further, try featuring your top-performing Tweets in a Twitter Ads campaign with keyword targeting. Targeting words and phrases people recently Tweeted or searched for on Twitter allows you to reach them when your business is most relevant.

For example, a food blogger could reach people looking for recipes by targeting keywords and phrases such as "need recipes," "what to cook for Thanksgiving," or "Thanksgiving food ideas."

#ProTip: While it's important to incorporate popular topics into your content strategy, focus on creating content that’s relevant to your target audience and authentic to your business.

Now you're ready to connect to the moment and reach new audiences. Try out these tips by creating Twitter Ads of your own. Create a campaign today.

Does your business have a great Thanksgiving Tweet? Share it with us @TwitterBusiness.

*Source: Twitter internal data

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