4 ways to feature products in your Twitter campaigns this gift-giving season

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

October 12, 2018

The gift-giving season is quickly approaching, and brands are looking for creative ways to feature their products in seasonal campaigns. Discounts and promotions are great, but it’s important to find other ways to engage with customers and create value for them through product campaigns.

Here are four strategies you can use to feature your products on Twitter this gift-giving season.

Embrace the gift guide

Showcasing your products can sometimes feel self-serving, or like it’s going to fall a little flat with audiences that want more. When handled the right way, product suggestions and information can help customers save time, find just the right gift, or determine which model is right for them. Help ease shopping stress by providing gift ideas for different groups such as dads, friends, or co-workers.

@fitbit created a comprehensive gift guide to help customers purchase the perfect gift.

Create how-to videos

Have you ever taken a product home only to open the package and feel a rising sense of panic? Instructions only get you so far when products are complex. If your products involve more than basic assembly or have capabilities the average user might miss, how-to videos can be an effective way to introduce them to the possibilities. They can also reduce customer service queries by answering common questions and delivering help your customers will love — while also marketing your products. 

@Vango helps customers sneaking away for a break during the holidays with easy how-to videos to get the most out of their products.

Explore “hot gift of the season” positioning

Whether you remember the rabid demand for Tickle Me Elmo or you’ve battled it out for more recent in-demand products, every season has its favorite gifts. Highlight these products, whether you’re using calls to action to get them while they’re in stock or promoting exclusive partnerships for unique products. 

UK retailer @Harrods grabs shopper attention with its Lego offerings, which the Mirror newspaper predicts will again be a top 10 toy for Christmas 2018 in Great Britain.

Offer a pre-order campaign

Your brand’s true fans will love early access — and Twitter can be a great channel to get the word out. Follow Marc Jacobs Beauty's lead and illustrate how your products work, using images or videos to capture people’s attention and get them excited about your upcoming product releases. 

@MarcBeauty just launched a collection and offered details to fans on how to get ahead of the crowd.

Know a brand doing interesting things on Twitter? Tweet us @TwitterBusiness.

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