5 ways to connect with Twitter sports fans during the 2018 FIFA World Cup

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

June 13, 2018

From June 14 to July 15, 2018, fans around the world will tune into the 2018 FIFA World Cup. 

For brands interested in finding innovative ways to connect with sports fans or audiences in this specific market, Twitter is the place to join the World Cup conversation. This year, one in two Twitter sports fans plan to watch the World Cup and use Twitter to engage throughout the tournament.*

If you’re interested in connecting with World Cup fans, here are some best practices and examples to inspire you.

Connect with fans interested in the World Cup

Share things in common with people who’ll be watching the World Cup? Twitter’s a great place to connect; 53% of Twitter’s U.S. users watch, follow, or play soccer.* Reach fans — and the larger audience watching the World Cup — with Twitter's targeting capabilities. There are multiple ways for brands to connect with sports fans, including the following targeting types:

Engage around the tournament, not just during it

Once you’ve identified the right audiences, make the most of the Cup’s multi-week timeline. Brands that find ways to engage before and after the World Cup gain maximum mileage and build stronger connections. Of every ten sports fans on Twitter, seven are planning to interact on the platform before or after the Cup.* Before the World Cup, you can tap into athlete excitement and fan anticipation. After the World Cup, reconnect with fans by extending the moment — whether you recap highlights or showcase #CantMissMoments.

Create a content strategy around different opportunities

Big events like the World Cup let you mix up your content strategy. Plan ahead and set yourself up with the tools needed to respond to in-the-moment opportunities to engage with fans:

  • Plan ahead: There are certain moments you know will happen during the Cup, such as a particular team hitting the field or the start of the final match. Create assets you can schedule and deploy ahead of time.
  • Anticipate different outcomes: For factors where the outcome is unsure, think about the different possibilities and create a range of assets. Deploy the right one based on what actually happens.
  • React: Create flexible assets that can help you stay connected with real-time exciting moments, but keep brand messages front and center. For example, if you’re targeting content around a specific team, create a visual where you can feature the image of the VIP player from a game and post.

@adidasfootball reacts to a real-time content opportunity with a timely, fan-focused, and player-positive Tweet.

Leverage near-real-time content

Sports fans on Twitter have clear ideas about the near-real-time content they’re looking for, and this can provide inspiration for brands that want to take part. Research shows that sports fans on Twitter are more likely than non-fans to want:

  • Highlights
  • Interviews
  • Analysis
  • Score Updates
  • Stats
  • Visuals

Tap into the power of video

Video is a great way to capitalize on the action during the Cup, whether you’re highlighting a game win or showcasing a player interview. Twitter sports fans frequently consume video: 75% of people using Twitter for sports consume video at least once a week, and our latest research shows there’s been a 144% increase on the soccer videos shared on Twitter year over year.**

Are you ready to connect with fans and join the World Cup conversation? Launch a campaign today.

Additional reading:


* Twitter + MediaCom Sport & Entertainment Sports Deep Dive, December 2017 Q031 World Cup Twitter. Base: Use Twitter for Sport n=157; US
** Black Swan Analysis of Soccer Conversation on Twitter, November 1, 2015 - November 1, 2017 Based on conversation in US .Twitter + MediaCom Sport & Entertainment Sports Deep Dive, December 2017 Q016 Twitter Activities. Base: Use Twitter for Sport n=157; US


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