Evernote shares tips for getting organized in the new year

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

December 19, 2017

As the year comes to a close, people are looking forward to a fresh start in 2018. For many, this may include setting goals for a more productive and organized routine. That's why we chatted with Evernote to hear their best tips for starting the new year a little more organized. 

What are the first steps to becoming more organized?

Here are our steps to getting organized:

  • Find your biggest pain point. 
  • Consolidate what’s similar.
  • Begin to feel empowered.

How can we stick to our goals to be organized in 2018?

Start with discipline. Over time, turn your determination to get organized into a habit. But, building good habits is hard. Before you can shed bad habits, you really need to get to know yourself.

What's the link between organization and stress?

The very act of organizing our spaces reduces stress and can make us more productive. Want to give it a go? Try organizing your desk and see how you feel.

What tools and tricks do you recommend for managing day to day tasks and lists?

Be realistic about daily tasks and prioritize to-do lists. Eat that frog! (Seriously, everyone who wants to get organized should read "Eat That Frog!" by @BrianTracy. We’re also currently fascinated with @fortelabs’ PARA organization system: Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive.

Do you have any other tips to help us start off the new year right?

Paper clutter is a huge stressor but there's good news. You can master a paperless life with Evernote. Our best advice for starting off the new year right? Don't do it all once. Pick one goal. Start small. Build up.

How do you get organized? Share your best tips with us @TwitterBusiness

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