Hidden Twitter tricks from a social media manager: Tweet scheduling

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

June 01, 2017

There’s no magic number of times you should Tweet each day, or when. Instead, focus on a consistent cadence of content that’s relevant and authentic to your target audience.

It's very likely that your audience is online when you're not — which doesn't mean you have to be Tweeting 24/7. This is where Tweet scheduling comes in handy.

Tweet scheduling

Did you know you can schedule Tweets right from the ads campaign dashboard? If you're not an advertiser, don't fret, you can use this feature free of charge. Simply head over to ads.twitter.com. If you don't have an account you'll have to set that up first. 

Then click on the "Tweet" tab under "Creative".

Note: you will have to enter a credit card in order to view the "Creatives" tab. You don't have to spend, this will simply grant you access to the scheduling feature. 

From there, you can compose and schedule organic Tweets. You can even schedule Promoted Tweets if you're running campaigns. 

This feature is helpful for scheduling new product releases, updates, and to keep your Tweet strategy on over the weekend. 

Ready to start scheduling? Head on over to Twitter Ads to get started.


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