5 Twitter content formats that influence purchase behavior

Cindy Lewis

By Cindy Lewis

August 22, 2017

If you're a marketer looking to drive sales, chances are you're experimenting with content formats across a number of paid and organic campaigns. But what types of content specifically influence purchase behavior? And, how do you leverage these across your Tweets and Twitter Ads creative?

Unsurprisingly, video remains on top in terms of content performance — 86% of internet users who purchased a product were influenced by video content on social media.

eMarketer — Social Media Content Formats that Influence US Internet Users to Purchase a Product, April 2017

People on Twitter are, themselves, an engine of influence. In fact, 62% of people have shown their friends something from Twitter in the past week.*

Read on to learn how to make the most out of this attention using the top content formats that are swaying buyers.

Replay-worthy video

With 90% of Twitter video views happening on mobile, this is an ideal way to reach customers in real time, wherever they are. Tweets with video are also 6x more likely to be Retweeted than Tweets with photos.**

Download our five-step checklist to ensure your videos make a lasting impression.

Eye-catching visual branding

Your image choices on Twitter can speak volumes. Whether your brand is bold and fun, or clean and minimalist, making smart use of imagery, graphics, and illustrations across all of your Tweets is a key part of a solid content strategy.

Keep your timeline and campaigns fresh by following our do's and don'ts of Twitter images. And if image file management is getting you down, simplify your asset workflow with these media library tips from our very own Social Media Manager.

Tweet copy that pops

A concise Tweet makes a big impact. Adhering to a character count might seem tough at times, but keeping it short and focusing on one specific message per Tweet is going to help with engagement. 

Follow our tips for effective Twitter Ads copy, in addition to using no more than one or two hashtags per Tweet.

Say it with GIFs

Branded GIFs are great for announcing events or sales, featuring products, and visualizing data. And like video, GIFs tell a story and add context in ways that static images can't.

If you're short on time, quickly add buzz and personality to your Tweets with Twitter's built-in GIF search.

Go live with Periscope

Broadcasting relevant moments to live viewers is a central piece of what's happening on Twitter. By creating Periscopes of industry events, special launches, or product tutorials, you can give people a sneak peek of what your brand is really like.

Use our tips to create standout live content with Periscope, or get going with an immersive live stream using Periscope 360.

Ready to get started? Try out these tips by creating Twitter Ads of your own. Create a campaign today.

*Research Now (US), 2016
**Twitter internal data

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