3 ways to create a consistent visual brand on Twitter

Joe Wadlington

By Joe Wadlington

December 20, 2016

People come to Twitter to discover new connections. Adding bold images to your Tweets helps them stand out from the crowd. While strong images help Tweets get noticed, consistent images help users instantly recognize your business — and both are important to stand out while remaining true to your business’s personality.

Today, we’re sharing three ways to create a consistent visual identity on Twitter. Take a look at our inspiring examples.

Maintain a consistent palette

It’s a colorful world out there. But limiting your marketing materials to one main color and a few accent hues can make your ads more distinct than using the whole rainbow. This choice will also ease future design decisions, because you’ll always have a starting palette.

@Kilgray uses bold, repeating colors to make materials unmistakably theirs. These three images serve three different purposes (a reminder, event information, and a bit of inspiration) but they are all colorfully compatible with the business.

Evoke a feeling with filters

With Twitter’s built-in photo editing tools, creating beautiful pictures has never been easier. Choose a few filters, angles, or subjects that complement your business — then stick to them. Filter consistency will give all of your pictures a similar look and feel with just a snap (and a few swipes). Repeating similar angles and subject matters helps to solidify that mood.

@realhomechef showcases their product the same way each time. They use bright, food-focused photos to make users crave. The images are cropped closely around a featured dish, which often spills out onto the table. @realhomechef’s message is clear: “We’re all about the food.”

Claim your business’s images with text overlays

Tweets travel. Make sure everyone instantly knows an image is yours, even when it’s Retweeted by your followers (or target audience) to users who are less familiar with your business. Place your business’s name or Twitter handle on your media and ensure potential customers can always trace their steps back to you.

@NamelyHR uses a variety of lively images in their Tweets. Each of them have their logo incorporated into the action. Potential customers can hear this headphone brand loud and clear.

Now you’re ready to promote your business on Twitter with effective images. Try out these tips by creating Twitter Ads of your own. Create a campaign today.

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