6 things you need to know to craft a compelling client Twitter strategy

Erika Heald

By Erika Heald

November 09, 2017

You've signed on to manage your client's Twitter account. They've loved the work your agency did in other areas, and can't wait for you to knock it out of the park on Twitter too.

Avoid potential agency Twitter account management missteps with an effective onboarding plan that covers everything you need to know to get up-to-speed and design an effective Twitter strategy.

Here are some of the most important Twitter best practices:

Get access to your client's Twitter Analytics dashboard

Document their average monthly number of posts, profile visits, mentions, and new followers. Also note their average daily engagement rate, link clicks, Retweets, likes, and replies. Use this Twitter Analytics data as a benchmark for your results.

Identify content curation sources 

What are the URLs for all the properties where they post content? What trusted third-party publications and partners are OK to share? Who are the top industry analysts and journalists they are working to build relationships with? All of these sources can be tapped for content inspiration and calls-to-action.

Define the brand voice

To stand out from the competition, it’s important to have a recognizable brand voice on Twitter that comes through in all the posts and the communications from the account. Audiences should never be able to tell if it’s an internal employee or agency Tweeting. Defining the client’s brand voice for Twitter ensures you can maintain that much-needed consistency.

Obtain a budget for ongoing paid promotion

Although sharing great content can organically grow your following, Twitter Ads can expand your social content—and your brand’s reach. Determine your social media budget and start leveraging ads to reach the right customer, at the right time.

Create a shared editorial calendar

Use a spreadsheet or another simple shared document to collaborate with your client on an editorial calendar to drive your social activities. 

Make sure your editorial calendar includes:

  • Relevant social media holidays
  • Industry conferences and trade shows (plus the event hashtags)
  • Ongoing Twitter chats
  • Major product announcements
  • Content publication dates. 

Understand how they measure success 

Every client has different business goals they are supporting with their social media efforts. Make sure you understand which goals your efforts will be measured against rather than automatically pursuing follower growth. 

With this information in hand, you’ll be able to craft a social media strategy that’s tailored to your client's goals and engages their audience. For more Twitter best practices for agency Twitter account management, check out Twitter's Agency Resources.

 Additional reading:

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