Ingreso para residentes regionales GRATIS!
1st Natural Medicine Gathering
1° Encuentro Mundial de la Medicina Natural
April 11-15, 2017 (Easter)
Tena, Napo, Ecuador
Presentations, workshops, performances, real food and ceremonies in sacred places.
Only: $250 USD, incl. simple breakfast & real food lunch∗
(¡limited to 100 people!)
~ ~ yachak minga ~ ~
yachak: “one who knows”
minga: “commons; coming together; entails a collaborative work system that dates back to the Incas. It refers to the commitment, contract or work agreement between two or more people; stands also for meeting or reunion. Getting the job done together”
Experience ayahuasca in Ecuador: An all-star event, not a five star event, organised by CYRAE (Consejo de Yachak Runas Amazonicos del Ecuador / an association of more than 80 traditional Ecuadorian healers) to support and profile their work and to bring shamans, real food activists, nature lovers, magicians, alchemists, psychonauts and other researchers together in a shared space of collective visions for a future of the planet. The event will be embedded in local (Napo Runa) Kichwa culture, who will benefit from your participation, and any profits will support CYRAE and help organise next year’s event.
Most food will be locally sourced from indigenous people’s forest gardens – no pesticides nor other nasty chemicals – some wild foods will be gathered in the forest, natural salt from the Andes will be used sparingly and a bit of coconut oil from the coast will be imported across the mountains. Simple breakfast means boiled eggs, yuca, chicha and guayusa with seasonal surprises. Lunch will be wrapped in Bijao (Calathea lutea) leaves and cooked over charcoal in the traditional Kichwa style (maito). All gluten free, no dairy, no added sugar. There will be a vegetarian/vegan option. Lots of guayusa. Join the gathering, in the home of ayahuasca, and help spread the word.
~~ Programme ~~
There will be ceremonies every night in four different places – in each of which a group of yachaks will be offering plant-based medicines, energetic healing and more. For more information and discussions about ayahuasca go to the very useful forums hosted by
In the weeks before the event and in the weeks after there will be a variety of activities with individual shamans, more info to follow. For pre- and post- events we also welcome suggestions, encourage self-organisation and invite healers and shamans from elsewhere to lead their own groups. We can help with the logistical aspects of that.
To help organise the event we need volunteers to join us (at least) two weeks before the event.
∗ We have a limited number of concessions ($100USD) for unwaged or otherwise economically disadvantaged people. Write to and explain why you think you are entitled to a reduction in price and we will get back to you.