Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Age


How to seize power, while others wait for reports

How to seize power, while others wait for reports

Right now, the women in the Labor Party are forcing change and we should all take lessons.

  • by Jenna Price


Green is the new black: how renewables and storage will replace coal

Green is the new black: how renewables and storage will replace coal

What the community really needs is for government and industry to get on with building Australia’s future energy system.

  • by Lachlan Blackhall
A welcome chance to strengthen Australian journalism

A welcome chance to strengthen Australian journalism

To ensure maximum impact, a philanthropist's $100 million donation towards journalism funding and education needs to be spent with careful thought.

Australian boxing needs Horn to find his mean streak v Mundine

Australian boxing needs Horn to find his mean streak v Mundine

An upset win for the veteran would be a nightmare for Horn and a huge setback for Australian boxing.

  • by Phil Lutton
Rugby Australia sends clear message abandoning White, but was it right
Rugby Union

Rugby Australia sends clear message abandoning White, but was it right

If the Wallabies won't call a World Cup-winning coach, who are they willing to listen to?

  • by Chris Dutton
We're not going to sit for it: Pyne's old tactics return to haunt him

We're not going to sit for it: Pyne's old tactics return to haunt him

Veteran Liberal Christopher Pyne designed bloody-minded tactics to disrupt a Labor government. Now he's dodging a return serve, all but cancelling Parliament.

  • by Tony Wright
Two schools of thought on how much you need for retirement
Super & retirement

Two schools of thought on how much you need for retirement

How much money do you need to retire? It depends on who you believe.

  • by Noel Whittaker
ARIAs 2018: Nine puts the brakes on ratings slump - for now
TV & radio

ARIAs 2018: Nine puts the brakes on ratings slump - for now

But the awkward banter between Keith Urban and Sir Bob Geldof didn't sit well with viewers. 

  • by Broede Carmody
Guess how many young women aspire to a career in politics

Guess how many young women aspire to a career in politics

According to one nationwide survey, the answer is zero.

  • by Susanne Legena
Liberal Party post-election report card: could do much better

Liberal Party post-election report card: could do much better

We have been divided and distracted and, accordingly, we have been conquered.

  • by Greg Hannan
Is the bureaucracy a gender equality utopia?

Is the bureaucracy a gender equality utopia?

'Blokey' government workplaces no longer pay higher wages than agencies with mostly female staff.

  • by Markus Mannheim
Look, maybe this just isn't Melania Trump's thing - but that's fine
North America

Look, maybe this just isn't Melania Trump's thing - but that's fine

If everyone could just admit that Melania doesn't really want the job of being first lady - and isn't very good at it - then we could accomplish two things.

  • by Monica Hesse
The Liberal Party, riven by its wreckers, faces wholesale collapse

The Liberal Party, riven by its wreckers, faces wholesale collapse

This once great political institution will flounder unless it can give up pandering to its "base" and appeal broadly to Australian voters.

  • by James Walter
Embed scientists in our parliaments: we need them as never before

Embed scientists in our parliaments: we need them as never before

It was an idea floated a century ago, so it's high time we gave our MPs access to our best minds.

  • by Rory McGuire
Yes, Prime Minister, I'm striking from school: consider it a climate lesson

Yes, Prime Minister, I'm striking from school: consider it a climate lesson

A 15-year-old Swedish girl started a global movement. Here's why I'm joining it along with thousands of other students who care about the planet's future.

  • by Veronica Hester
Historic chance for a federal ICAC

Historic chance for a federal ICAC

The minority government can no longer delay a National Integrity Commission.

Coalition can learn from public service's promotion of women

Coalition can learn from public service's promotion of women

The Coalition can't fix its culture in time for the next election. It may take years of sustained effort.

  • by The Canberra Times
Andrews' Victorian victory reinforces bigger themes

Andrews' Victorian victory reinforces bigger themes

The federal Liberals will lose if they blame messaging and continue to be deaf to the concerns of middle Australia.

  • by John Warhurst
Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Julia Banks: My party has lost sight of the voting public

Readers discuss Julia Banks' defection to the crossbench and her speech about the Liberal Party.

The generational divide that will shape this federal election

The generational divide that will shape this federal election

Labor's policy to reform franking credits strikes at the heart of a generational divide that is becoming increasingly clear.

  • by Jessica Irvine
National efforts to end family violence could draw from Victoria
Life & relationships

National efforts to end family violence could draw from Victoria

We don’t need any more inquiries or reports. We know what we have to do.

  • by Jane Gilmore
National integrity body needs consensus, credibility

National integrity body needs consensus, credibility

The overdue opportunity to establish a federal anti-corruption commission can be seen as an unexpected public benefit of a buttressed progressive crossbench.

You'd think the ANZ boss would see the hidden improvised explosive devices. But no.
Banking & finance

You'd think the ANZ boss would see the hidden improvised explosive devices. But no.

ANZ boss Shayne Elliott was the latest of the bank bosses to walk into the now familiar trap of talking up his bank’s laudable values.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Victoria state election: Why Guy had to say goodbye

Victoria state election: Why Guy had to say goodbye

The opposition seemed out of step with public sentiment at almost every turn as Matthew Guy led them through the campaign.

  • by Benjamin Preiss
Shorter coffee queues: politicians won't sit in Parliament much next year

Shorter coffee queues: politicians won't sit in Parliament much next year

Leader of the house Christopher Pyne sent out an email notifying journalists of the parliamentary sitting calendar for 2019. There were lots of blank spaces in it.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
The dinner in Argentina that could shape the world's economic destiny

The dinner in Argentina that could shape the world's economic destiny

Donald Trump and China's Xi Jinping will dine together in Buenos Aires on Saturday - and it's making a lot of people very nervous.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Campaign against the ATAR is putting us on a path to mediocrity

Campaign against the ATAR is putting us on a path to mediocrity

While children who are talented in the sporting arena are encouraged and celebrated, academic excellence is treated as an inconvenience rather than any kind of gift.

  • by Fleur Morrison
Why China’s richest man belonging to the Communist Party is no surprise
The economy

Why China’s richest man belonging to the Communist Party is no surprise

It may sound contradictory that Jack Ma belongs to the Communist party but it came as no surprise to many Chinese and China watchers.

  • by Li Yuan
Bitcoin's crash looks like a real currency crisis

Bitcoin's crash looks like a real currency crisis

Bitcoin's horrific year doesn't just look like a bubble bursting; it looks more like a currency under attack.

  • by Lionel Laurent
What Facebook really doesn't want you to talk about

What Facebook really doesn't want you to talk about

At the London hearing, it became clearer than ever what the social network giant is trying to keep out of the public discussion.

  • by Alex Webb
Why 'never work with children and animals' is a terrible maxim

Why 'never work with children and animals' is a terrible maxim

The oft-repeated idea overlooks the fact that they are in just about every case more enjoyable to be around, more dependable and generally better than adults.

  • by Jonathan Rivett
Ken Henry ponders the state of capitalism - and agrees it's not pretty
Banking & finance

Ken Henry ponders the state of capitalism - and agrees it's not pretty

Ken Henry’s soliloquy on the state of capitalism provided one of the more philosophical moments in an at times testy appearance before the royal commission.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Confusion reigns: Australian Business Securitisation Fund
Small business

Confusion reigns: Australian Business Securitisation Fund

Here's what the lending policy is - and what it isn't.

  • by Kate Carnell
How the conservatives drove Julia Banks out of the Liberal Party

How the conservatives drove Julia Banks out of the Liberal Party

The Liberal MP has had enough of the rumours and criticisms from anonymous party figures seeking to blacken her name.

  • by David Crowe
Don't lose sleep over 'genetically edited' babies

Don't lose sleep over 'genetically edited' babies

Gene editing is far too important to surrender to alarmism over unverified reports.

  • by Fahad Ali
Liberals need to give up on the merit myth

Liberals need to give up on the merit myth

Julia Banks first called it out - now the Liberal Party needs to get serious about addressing its gender bias.

  • by Shivani Gopal
The one thing Myer simply can’t do before Christmas

The one thing Myer simply can’t do before Christmas

The countdown is on. Only a few sleeps left until the big annual retail showdown.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Daley needs to go harder and axe the SCG Trust

Daley needs to go harder and axe the SCG Trust

The Trust has been a thorn in successive government's sides for years. It should go.

  • by Peter Ross
Just how many digital transformation strategies do we need?

Just how many digital transformation strategies do we need?

What moves this from farce to tragedy is that our government obviously still doesn't get just how important this is.

  • by Nicholas Stuart
Christmas is getting too stressful, this is why I'm opting out
Health & wellness

Christmas is getting too stressful, this is why I'm opting out

It hurts my brain to think of the pressure people feel to put themselves through that each year.

  • by Sarah Berry
Illustration: Michael Leunig

Preferences and voting: We need to reform our flawed voting system

Readers discuss preferential voting, including the rise of micro-parties which received very few votes.

The system’s broken. Let’s fix it to fight corruption

The system’s broken. Let’s fix it to fight corruption

Fairfax's latest investigation demonstrates the Australian Government’s alarming lack of capacity to effectively combat corruption.

  • by Serena Lillywhite
The Liberals' Woman Problem. Newsflash: it's not women who are the problem

The Liberals' Woman Problem. Newsflash: it's not women who are the problem

We are going to need a new noun. The Coalition’s Woman Problem, so named after a cascade of incidents, has broken ranks.

  • by Jacqueline Maley
Facing a rout, the PM prepares pork barrel

Facing a rout, the PM prepares pork barrel

The Victorian election shows voters will support public investment, and eschew dog-whistling.

Strewth. Trying to kick-start things, the Prime Minister gets kicked where it hurts

Strewth. Trying to kick-start things, the Prime Minister gets kicked where it hurts

At the precise moment Scott Morrison tries to jump-start his stalled government, backbencher Julia Banks quits the Liberals, wrecking the Prime Minister's day.

  • by Tony Wright
I was a rusted-on Liberal Party member. This year, I joined the ALP

I was a rusted-on Liberal Party member. This year, I joined the ALP

Without a hint of smugness or delight, I can only say from bitter personal experience that I saw it coming.

  • by Denis McKinnon
Get ready for bargains on the sharemarket

Get ready for bargains on the sharemarket

Banks and miners are on the nose, but general gloom provides opportunities.

  • by Scott Phillips
The one great drawback from 27 years of economic sunshine
The economy

The one great drawback from 27 years of economic sunshine

The voters are confused about who has benefited and have forgotten the pain of the alternative.

  • by Ross Gittins
Like Jesus, US missionary accepted death as the price of reaching out

Like Jesus, US missionary accepted death as the price of reaching out

Chau may have been naive, but at least he did not come to the island wielding a gun or wearing a uniform.

  • by Michael Jensen
Perfect storm: Why the price of oil is diving

Perfect storm: Why the price of oil is diving

The price of oil continues to skid - and there are three main reasons why.

  • by Mohamed El-Erian