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Health & wellness

Is your phone telling you it might be time for a micro-detox?

Is your phone telling you it might be time for a micro-detox?

By 5pm, by no means a long work day in my world, I had looked at my phone an astonishing 97 times. By bedtime, I had clocked up five hours and 36 minutes. 

  • by Melissa Singer


Hector thought he was fat, but his 'beer belly' turned out to be much more sinister
Graphic content

Hector thought he was fat, but his 'beer belly' turned out to be much more sinister

The 47-year-old said his stomach kept feeling heavy and hard, so he got a second opinion.

  • by Lindsey Bever
Christmas is getting too stressful, this is why I'm opting out

Christmas is getting too stressful, this is why I'm opting out

It hurts my brain to think of the pressure people feel to put themselves through that each year.

  • by Sarah Berry
Want a healthy life? Fill it with friendship

Want a healthy life? Fill it with friendship

We should not underestimate the impact that strong social and family networks can have not just on our mental health, but our physical health.

We don't judge men by the size of their moustache
Men's health

We don't judge men by the size of their moustache

'If it were true that we were unintentionally sabotaging our own efforts by promoting unhelpful stereotypes of what a man should be, then that would be terrible.'

  • by Owen Sharp
No more monkeying around: Push to remove dangerous play equipment

No more monkeying around: Push to remove dangerous play equipment

Opponents say monkey bars are anachronistic and dangerous, others say they get kids outdoors and active. Either way, they may soon become a thing of the past.

  • by Joe Hinchliffe
Broken heart syndrome may affect us for longer than first thought

Broken heart syndrome may affect us for longer than first thought

A stressful event, such as the death of a loved one, really can break your heart.

  • by Nelson Chong
My day on a plate: Dino Sagani

My day on a plate: Dino Sagani

Cruise ship captain Dino Sagani, 48, shares his day on a plate.

  • by Compiled by Nicole Economos
Changing one meal a day can benefit your health and the environment

Changing one meal a day can benefit your health and the environment

“Every time you eat plant-based, you cut your carbon and water footprints by a third," says Suzy who has adopted the diet with husband, director James Cameron.

  • by Evelyn Lewin
Here comes the sun: Defending our summer rays
Good Weekend

Here comes the sun: Defending our summer rays

In the battle against skin cancer, have the upsides of a little ray of sunshine been overlooked?

  • by Mark Whittaker
Harry’s Cafe de Wheels sold to German master butcher

Harry’s Cafe de Wheels sold to German master butcher

More than 100 Harry's Cafe de Wheels locations are planned to open in the next 10 years.

  • by Callan Boys