Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | The Age


Climate Change

Temperatures on track for 5-degree rise by 2100 after another hot year

Temperatures on track for 5-degree rise by 2100 after another hot year

This year is on course to be the fourth hottest year on record, trailing only the three previous years, as rising levels of greenhouse gases warm the planet, the World Meteorological Organisation said. 

  • by Peter Hannam


Great Barrier Reef bleaching risks rise with huge Queensland heatwave
Extreme weather

Great Barrier Reef bleaching risks rise with huge Queensland heatwave

The record-breaking heatwave now roasting Cooktown and much of north Queensland has authorities bracing for what would be the third mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef in four summers.

  • by Peter Hannam
Mental health added to impact of climate change as global damage grows

Mental health added to impact of climate change as global damage grows

Rising temperatures are leading to increased levels of stress, worsening anxiety and depression, and even suicide in the most extreme cases in Australia.

  • by Peter Hannam
Why aren't they doing anything?: Students strike to give climate lesson

Why aren't they doing anything?: Students strike to give climate lesson

A 15-year-old Swedish student's demand for climate action is resonating half a world away in Australia.

  • by Peter Hannam
Shorten's energy plan better than no plan at all

Shorten's energy plan better than no plan at all

It is miles from the first best option of a single carbon price.

'Mind-blowing': Hazards to multiply and accumulate with climate change
Extreme weather

'Mind-blowing': Hazards to multiply and accumulate with climate change

Humanity is already enduring cumulative effects from climate change and damages will continue to mount along with carbon emissions, a new study has found.

  • by Peter Hannam
African islands send SOS as climate change worsens health
Global warming

African islands send SOS as climate change worsens health

African island states say they need more help to cope with the health impacts of climate change.

  • by Nellie Peyton
'We want to do everything we can': NSW readies for renewables surge

'We want to do everything we can': NSW readies for renewables surge

The NSW government has set aside $55 million to help smooth the introduction of new solar and wind farms.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Bare minimum': Greens arc up over Labor's climate policy rebuff
Bill Shorten

'Bare minimum': Greens arc up over Labor's climate policy rebuff

The federal Greens approached their Labor counterparts to secure a 'joint leadership' on climate and energy policy ahead of the next year's elections, only to have their overture rebuffed.

  • by Peter Hannam
'Success guaranteed': Reef centre misses funding despite strong review
Great Barrier Reef

'Success guaranteed': Reef centre misses funding despite strong review

A world-renowned coral reef research centre missed out on funding to groups proposing the study of the "digital child", "creative aging" and the Enlightenment despite an external review finding its plan to be "revolutionary".

  • by Peter Hannam
'First thing': Phelps set sights on reviving fortunes of climate body
Kerryn Phelps

'First thing': Phelps set sights on reviving fortunes of climate body

Kerryn Phelps, the likely new member for Wentworth, will push for the revival of the near-defunct Climate Change Authority as part of her efforts to advance action on global warming at a federal level.

  • by Peter Hannam