National Australia Bank chairman Ken Henry told the royal commission to be ambitious in its policy recommendations and ...

Sole duty to investors breaks public trust

NAB chairman Ken Henry said director's duties should be expanded beyond shareholders to the whole "community", saying their sole focus was the reason people no longer trusted business.

They see themselves making a stand against a Liberal Party slipping inexorably, at a national level, towards a more ...

Moderate Liberals find their voice

During the Victorian election campaign, a group of Liberal Party members arrived in a marginal seat in one of Melbourne's south-eastern bay-side suburbs to help out.

Resources rout drives ASX lower

The major mining and energy stocks ended two positive days of trading for the local sharemarket, as iron ore and oil prices tumbled further.

Average tax rate to hit 20-year high

The average tax rate paid by workers will continue to rise over coming years and hit a two-decade high of 20 per cent, pressuring both major political parties to offer bigger tax cuts at next year's election.

Andrew's troops take aim at Morrison

Daniel Andrews' deputy campaign manager Kos Samaras, campaign manager Sam Rae and their Victorian Labor back office team have already started work on the federal election campaign.

Fisheries Minster Dave Kelly is calling on the NSW state government to release the final report of research into shark ...

WA water supply fears after RCR collapse

The West Australian government says the RCR Tomlinson collapse has the potential to disrupt water supply in the state this summer and shows the dangers of privatisation of public utilities and infrastructure.

NAB set for a decade of culture change

NAB chairman Ken Henry says it can be difficult to prescribe a certain culture and it could take the bank up to 10 years to transform its culture. How the day unfolded.

The Rio Tinto board is meeting in Sydney this week.

Rio cuts Iran ties but flags Mongolia sovereign risk

Rio Tinto will divest another contentious African asset as the company's leadership conceded its Mongolian copper venture was experiencing sovereign risk challenges and was complicating the company's shift away from fossil fuels.

Savvy investors watch the market and keep on top of news.

Markets Live: ASX 45 points lower

The S&P;/ASX 200 has closed lower at 5671 this afternoon with our materials and energy-heavy stock market dented by the declining oil price.


The Labor Party has started work on Bill Shorten's campaign.

Andrews' shock troops take aim at Morrison

Daniel Andrews' deputy campaign manager Kos Samaras, campaign manager Sam Rae and their Victorian Labor back office team have already started work on the federal election campaign.

British Prime Minister Theresa May says she'll campaign with her heart and soul for a Brexit deal that has no chance of ...

May hits Brexit campaign trail

Theresa May is courting the public, as parliamentarians search for another way out of their deadlock in the face of firm pushback from EU leaders.

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