Copenhagen: Ungdomshuset communique

February 27th, 2007

Dear friends from near and far. WE’RE STILL HERE!

We stay strong and in high spirits despite the pressures of our current situation. The political negotiations have broken down since the city council has refused to accept our demands and we have refused their sorry offer.

The last six months have been an endless man ifestation of strength, and the level of activity in and around the house has never been as high as now. This is thanks to the massive local and international support we have recieved.

Our hearts are warmed by the news of solidarity actions in Denmark, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Japan, Australia, Canada, USA, Germany, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Ireland, Great Britain, Spain, Norway, Finland and Holland among many others.

We send out a huge thanks for all the actions taken by so many.YOU are the reason why Ungdomshuset still exists as an active autonomous freespace. [Read More]

Alcorcón, Madrid: Demonstration supporting CSO Eskuela Taller, the squatters and occupied spaces

Video-chronicle by La Plataforma

Last february 24th, 2007, 1000 people participated in a demonstration for the defense of the CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters and ocuppied spaces. The mobilization claimed self-organization, self-management, and autonomy as fighting weapons against institutional repression and capitalism.

Video and music produced by La Plataforma:

Watch video:

Download video in high quality:[Indymedia]_(2007-02-26)_La_Plataforma_alkorcon.okupado.avi

Download Soundtrack:

Watch photo galery of the demonstration:

La Plataforma


Barcelona: CSO El Baco, new social centre and community garden in horta per el Barco

Email: fuspey (nospam)
Telèfon: 662 347 902
Adreça: 26 pere pau, horta, bcn (beside metro stop horta, lisboa exit)
23 feb 2007
CSO EL BARCO (occupied social centre “the boat” )

Opening doors and making gardens in horta

eviction order for 6 days time, time for rethink and re-action of okupa movement…

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Lyon, France: Danish consulate occupied in solidarity with Ungdomshuset

On Tuesday 20th (february 2007), a group of french squatters occupied the danish consulate in Lyon, to protest the threat of eviction against Ungdomshuset, demand the immediate drop of all charges against those detained during the struggle for the youth-house, and warn the danish state that its repressive actions will not go unanswered.

The consul’s office was occupied by some 15 activists, who used the consulate’s fax machine to send a communiqué to the Mayor of Copenhaguen, to the Copenhagen City Council and to the danish prime minister’s office. The office phone was also put to use in order to notify the danish police of the action, who seemed really concerned about the safety of the consul, phoning him on his mobile soon after, and calling the french police themselves.

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